At The DEO...
Alex woke up with her neck and head hurting. As she sat up almost too fast she felt like she was rushing extremely fast as if Kara was blasting off into the sky. She looked around and saw a couple doctors surrounding her and saw that one had a cloth with Green Kryptonite in it.
"No!" Alex smacked the Kryptonite out of the hands of the doctor.
"It's okay, clam down." Alex was trying to hit the doctor but another caught her arms. "Just go to sleep and everything will be okay when you wake up."
"No! Everything's going to be horrible! I'm not giving up on my sister now!" Alex finally broke free and got up from the table. She ran down the hallway and jumped over the railing and landed on the floor. She ran out of the DEO and to her home.
Alex's Apartment...
Alex banged on her door because she forgot her keys at the DEO. Maggie opened the door with a shocked look on her face. Right as Maggie was going to say something like hey Danvers, Alex pushed Maggie out of the way and locked herself into the bathroom. Maggie came and stood outside of the door and tried to get Alex to come out. (Thanks for the idea GAP2405!).
"Alex, please come out! I know this whole thing with Kara is messing with you. Just please let me help-" Right as Maggie said that Alex open the door and began screaming.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LITERALLY HAVE AN ALIEN SISTER! IF J'ONN DOES THIS TO ME I MIGHT NEVER BE ABLE TO HUG KARA AGAIN SO JUST...LET ME BE!" Alex dropped to the ground at the thought of never being able to have game night, movie night, sister night...ever again.
"Alex sweetie come here. I'm sorry for saying that I understand everything because in reality I don't. But I honestly have no clue what you're talking about."
"J'onn doesn't think that there's another way to be safe other than to put Kryptonite in us. I can't do that to myself, or Kara." Alex froze and looked at the ground.
"Alex, are you okay?"
"I'm going to go find Kara, and try."
"I'm going to get through to her, even if that means my life. That's the plan."
Hey Guys,
I know that this was a short chapter but it's getting more and more challenging to keep the plot going. The book is going to end soon, but there will be book #2 so everything's going to be okay! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you guys. I'll try to get another chapter out as soon as I can, if I can't then it will be Tuesday. Happy Reading!
THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1
FanfictionKara gets influenced by Red Kryptonite again. Alex still has those horrible memories of her sister saying that horrible stuff. Everything goes wrong when Kara asks Alex what's wrong. Lena and Alex are both victims of Kara's horrible behavior. Yo...