They Will Reign

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Kara shot past all the buildings in her sweatpants and t-shirt.  She honestly had no more feelings for Alex.  Not only Alex but for Winn, James, J'onn, Eliza, Jeremiah, Cat....all of them except for Lena and Mon-El.  Even though Red K was brought back Kara still had a soft side.  That was their only hope of getting Kara back.

"Oh wait...." Kara said as she smiled evily.  She was alone, hovering over Catco.  "I should make Winn make me a new suit."
Kara flew to the Alien bar because that's where he was around this hour.  Kara walked in there not caring about how she looked and suddenly and harshly grabbed Winn's arm.

"Woa! Who the hell?  Oh hey Kara!  What's up?"  Winn looked happy to see her.

"I want a new suit."

"Ok well that's going to take a while..." Kara became angry and punched a hole into the wall.

"Oh my god!  Ok so....ummm....what do you want it to look like?"  Winn looked at Kara as her face cracked with Red showing.

"I want it black, with a red cape.  I want the skirt black too."

"Red Kryptonite..." Winn mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?!?!?" Kara asked getting more angry as she moved closer to him.

"Nothing! Nothing! Ummm....So.....the earliest I can get that suit to you is probably in two days."

"I NEED IT NOW!"  Kara punched Winn's arm so hard that it broke.  So did his shoulder.

"Ow!  Oh my god Kara FRICKING chill!"  Kara picked up Winn and flew him to the DEO.

At The DEO...

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow..."  Winn said as he frantically searched for a cast and something to hold his shoulder in place.  He finally found the one Alex had used last time and found a Sarmiento Brace for his broken shoulder.

"Ok, are you about done whining?" Kara laughed evily and took Winn's shoulder and walked with him to the place where he makes suits.

"Kara...I've had to ask you this question and I feel like you're only going to answer it honestly under Red Kryptonite."  Kara looked at Winn and smiled.

"I am so much better when I'm powerful Winn.  So go ahead.  Ask your question."

" you still care about a friend I mean?  Because lately you've been hanging out with everyone else except me."  Winn looked at Kara afraid of the answer she would give him.

" You're so weak, you're only useful when it comes to this kind of stuff."  Winn looked down at his feet.

"Really."  Winn shed a tear and kept walking.
They entered the place where they make suits and stopped.  Winn got out some hard materials and some black and red fabric.  He began to sew them together as he had anxiety about Kara watching him.

"Make it better than my lame-o suit."

"That suit took forever!  It looks awesome!"  Winn was acting funny with a sarcastic laugh in her voice.

"It represents a weak so-called hero!  I want to have a new start!  I will rule over this world!  It's your choice to help me."  Winn looked down at the materials.

"I will help you make the suit, but nothing else.  I know my sweet Kara is still there and I will be waiting for her." Winn said that with confidence as Kara began to look sad.  Kara's Kryptonite began to fade and Kara looked and saw Winn.


"Kara!"  Kara's Red Kryptonite came back and she became two times more evil than before.

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now