Green Kryptonite

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Kara flew straight to L Corp where she found Reign standing on the roof with a metal box in her hands.  Kara was immediately overcome by the deepest hatred she had ever had. She smiled as she landed, and walked up to Reign, and began to speak.

"I see you have done what I asked you to do. Now before I snatch that box right out of your hands I'm going to ask you what is in the box and how it is going to help us rule the world. Now what is in the box and what good will it do to help us to take over the world?" Kara said with an evil smile.

"Oh Supergirl I'm glad you asked. In this box are small circles. These small circles are not only small circles but they will attach the necks of people and if they don't do what we tell them to do, it will shock them and make them be in their worst pain and see their worst fears. Now you tell me Supergirl does that sound like a good enough plan to you? Is it everything that you would always wanted?"

"Oh Reign, you have no idea...."  Kara smiled evily.

At the DEO...

Alex was pacing around the table at the center when finally Winn came up to her with a worried look. When Alex saw Winn she saw James behind him with almost the exact same facial expression. At that moment Alex begin to worry about what happened. A few moments later Cat Grant walked in behind them with a sad yet serious face. Alex immediately started firing off questions when soon after Cat answered all the questions that Alex had.

"Where's Kara? Is she okay? Is she safe? Is red Kryptonite gone?"

" I don't know where she is, Alex, I think she's okay. She is definitely safe, but the red Kryptonite is way stronger than before and I don't know how we're going to fix it now. But we need to keep the DEO safe and locked up."  Alex immediately stormed off into the training room, got a punching bag and punched the hell out of it.
About five minutes into Alex's punching drama, J'onn walked in to talk to Alex about what their options were.

"Hey Alex, you okay?" Alex gave J'onn a do I look okay to you face and began to punch furiously again. "I don't even know why I asked that question.  I just wanted to talk to you about our options."  Alex turned around with a worried and curious look on her face.

"What do you mean options?" Alex started walking closer to J'onn to focus on his words.

"We are positive that Kara has become indestructible.  We can't get Kryptonite close enough to her without her almost killing us.  And we don't think that getting through to her is going to work."  J'onn's face became saddened and he looked at the ground.

"Sooo.....Now what?"

"It pains me to say this Alex..." J'onn looked at Alex not wanting to see her cry "The only way to stay safe is to insert a piece of Kryptonite into our blood."  Alex's face went pale as she passed out onto the floor.

Hey Guys,
I know that this was another short chapter, but the end of book 1 is coming up soon.  Remember that the story continues though.  Alright, well I won't be able to add another chapter until Saturday night, so I'm very sorry about that.  Well, happy holidays and see you guys later...bye!

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now