Different Red K Emotions?

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Kara flew back to her apartment after she made the deal with Reign.  It made her feel good to be a part of a team.  At first Kara thought, I miss the DEO as my team, but they don't understand me...Reign does.  It grew further and further into Kara's mind that she was doing the right thing.  Maybe I am a god... She would think about that over and over in her head.  There would be times where she had to try to forget about Alex and focus on ruling the world.  But, she didn't love Alex.  She almost killed her!  Why or how could Kara possibly still have feelings for Alex.

Kara had gotten some potstickers from her fridge and heated them up.  Since she was under Red K, she become angry because of how long it took for them to heat.  So, she ended up taking them out of the microwave and blasting them with her heat vision.  She heard a knock at the door and immediately used her x-ray vision to see through the door.  It was Alex.  Alex was probably the last person she wanted to see.  Something about Alex made her weak.  She became softer just thinking about Alex as she walked up to the door.  Even though she didn't love her as much, she still didn't want to hurt her. She hated the thought of Alex getting hurt, dying, or being afraid.  Yet, she felt good feeling like she had control over her older sister.

Kara opens the door


"What do you want Alex?" Kara looked as if she was rushing Alex out.

"I just wanted to see if we could talk.  If we could have a civilised conversation."  Alex's heart began to race as she stood at Kara's door.

Kara let out a sigh, and then spoke "Come in I guess." Kara didn't sound evil, she sounded more soft.  There was a emotion still deep inside, something that held Kara's spirit deep within.

"Ummm....So I uh" Alex looked down at her feet and was very afraid of Kara "I wanted to apologize for the pain I have caused you.  I will never understand what it feels like to be sent away from a planet, but I do know what it's like to lose the best sister."

Kara walked closer to Alex and held her chin up. "Tell me more.  Sit." Kara grabbed Alex's hand.  When Kara held her hand she moved her head back and closed her eyes.  Kara saw the fear and didn't feel anger.  Instead she felt, sympathy.  What was happening to her?
Kara sat Alex on the couch across from her and looked at her.  Kara knew what she wanted to say, but didn't know how.

"Go on...please." Kara told Alex.  Alex had never expected Kara to be more calm than violent.  So Alex obeyed and continued to talk about her feelings.

"It's just, I'm really sorry.  I know I say that a lot and I try to get involved in things I don't understand.  The truth is, is that I just want you to be happy.  If you're not happy with me in your life then just say it.  I can be gone."  Alex began to cry.  It was a couple seconds until she looked up and saw that Kara had cracks in her face again.  Except, it was different.  The color changed.  Instead of red it was blue.  Alex didn't understand but didn't say anything about it.  Kara was reminded of the love that her and Alex shared and let out a tear.

"Alex..." Alex looked up at Kara and saw she wasn't going to hurt her. "I don't want you to go.  I have a problem, I don't feel like Kara Danvers or my powerful self.  I don't know who I am.  I know that there is a changing kryptonite effect that is going on.  I don't know how, but I'm guess if something makes me mad, red.  If something makes me remember, sad with blue.  I don't know what to do..."  Kara looked down at her hands and began to cry.

"Let me help you-" Alex had gotten up off the couch and over to Kara's.  She reached for Kara's hand and Kara jumped off the couch and flew backwards and landed.

"Noooo!" Kara yelled as purple kryptonite covered her face.  Fear.

"Kara the kryptonite's making you fearful!  You're going to be okay." Alex said as she slowly walked up to Kara.  Kara felt a buzz in her suit.  It was her phone.  She checked it and saw that Sam, Reign, had texted her saying:

Kara where the hell are u?  U r supposed to be helping me with a plan to take over the city!  Come on Supergirl get ur evil pants on and get over here!

Kara's face then immediately turned red and looked up and saw Alex.

"I am not afraid..." Kara said with a bitter tone "I don't need your help!  Leave me alone to my business!" Kara then blasted out her window and came to the place her and Reign were supposed to meet. 
L Corp....

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1Where stories live. Discover now