Chapter 23

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Third Person

Jisoo let go off Bobby, confused, she pointed at herself.

"I mean...I missed you too but....why are you crying?" Jisoo wiped his tears with her thumb, her touch electrified Bobby's body.

He slapped her hand away and glared into her eyes.

She was, actually, quite afraid of him at that exact moment. She had no idea what got over him.

"Jisoo, don't fucking touch me!" This seemed to break Jisoo's heart.

"Bobby- why?!" She stood up.

Bobby followed what she did, Jisoo felt like his identity was suddenly a mystery.

"You wanna know why?!" He yelled, causing a tear or two to slip out of Jisoo's brown eyes.

She mutely sniffed.

"BECAUSE I WON'T HAVE CONTROL OVER MYSELF!" He yelled, his hands around Jisoo's waist as he pulled her close.

"I fucking love you" He muttered as he buried himself in the crook of her neck.

That's when, Jisoo realized, her heart has never been so fast.

She stared into his eyes, hoping, she heard him right.

Jisoo's heavy breathing snapped Bobby back to his self.

He quickly let go and held his head, groaning.

"I'm s-so s-sorry" He ran out.

Jisoo had a hint of disappointment in her eyes, sighing, she went to her room.

But little did she know someone was there to witness all of it.

Lisa Manoban

It was morning, I smiled. I had a reason to wake up for, a purpose to get out of bed.

It was them.

The longest bond I've ever had. My lips stretched wide as I thought about them.

"Someone's a little smiley today, huh?" The door creaked open, revealing a small and sleepy Jennie standing with her bed hair.

God, the things I would do to her.

"J-jennie? Hey..." I smiled.

She walked in and threw herself on my bed, cuddling with my arm.

I chuckled and carressed her hand, making small circles with my thumb.

"Your morning voice is so hot, Lisa"

Heat rose up to my cheeks.

"Sh-shut up" I mumbled, a tint of pink still visible on my cheeks.

She giggled, I had an urge to grab and kiss her.

"Hey.." Her voice snapped me back to reality.


I turned my face towards her, only to find her right in front of me.

I could feel her breath on my nose. It was ticklish.

"Lisa, move closer to me" She smiled.

I did as I were told to, I can't simply say no to that.

Our lips brushed together, it was a good feeling.

She moved closer, tilting her head to kiss my desperate lips.

And in that moment, I felt my body getting hotter.

Our lips met, it was a sweet start.

My hands slithered down to her thighs, her arms around my neck.

A gasp left her mouth as I massaged her inner thighs.

She moaned,

"L-lisa" I left butterfly kisses down her neck and jawline.

"You're mine, only mine" I muttered.

I can endlessly reminisce about her and won't even regret falling asleep next to the sky.

I kissed her one last time on the lips before leaving the room.

"LISA!" I chuckled as she found out that I gave her hickeys.

Oh well, she gotta deal with it, for making me so mad about her.

A/n so uhm how are y'all lmao it's been so long since anyone said anything in the comments. I mean even if Jennie's a human aren't y'all curious why she's a human though??? Like, I miss all of you :( ALSO JENLISA JUST HAD THEIR FIRST EVER KISS IN MY BOOK YAYAYAYAYA, sorry it got a little steamy ;)

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