Chapter 11

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Lisa Manoban

I bite my fingers, this seems so unusual.

How can a ghost have a cold and bleed?

Jennie said she's immune to all kinds of diseases.

I watch Jennie continuously sneezing and coughing.

"How can microbes even enter your body Jennie?" I hold her hand, she looks at me.

Jennie's current situation was horrible.

"I don't know... ACHOO!" I chuckle and give her another pack of tissues.

She wipes her nose and looks at me,

"We're out of tissues" I gaped at her.

"I LEGIT BOUGHT AT LEAST FIFTEEN PACKETS!" She giggles but then starts coughing.

"Can you order some more?" Her coughs made her voice raspy and sexy.

I'm honestly so messed up, I wanna get down with a damn ghost whose sick voice turns me on.

Note to self, get a personal mental health doctor.

"Sure, it's not like I can take you out" I frowned and got up from the seat beside my bed, Jennie's bed now.

I looked back at Jennie, she seemed hurt by my words.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" I mutter and she shakes her head.

"I'm not effected by that, my mind is only wondering why I'm sick." I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms, leaning against the wall.

"Jennie, are you confirmed that you're immune?" She nods.

A thought strikes my mind,

"Who told you?" She blinks and looks at me with her brown eyes,

I notice her look for a satisfactory explanation.

"Ghosts are basically souls Lisa, ghosts can't get sick again if they're already dead, can they? Ever saw a ghost wearing a mask?"

"Well you're the first ghost homie I've ever had so..." She shifts her gaze towards the window.

The sunlight beautifully compliments her brown eyes.

"Welp, I'll go look for medicines, if they work-"

She grabs my wrist as I pass beside the bed,



"Don't look for them"

"Why? You're basically gonna set the house on fire, you have a cold and fever"

"I don't want any treatment from you" my heart felt a pinch,

"Take me to the hospital"

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