Chapter 27

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Jennie Kim

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the birds chirped as if they were reunited after a long pause. I smiled.

Life was perfect.

Bobby and Jisoo confessed their love and now very happily dating. Forgetting all the conflicts between them and continuing their journey as one.

Rosé started working part time at a local store with Lisa.

A smile crept on to my face at the thought of her. She was an exquisite creature that I've only imagined in my dreams, never thought I'd be able to touch her, love her, kiss her.

My body pushed itself up as I steadily stood on my small feet, slowly gathering myself and getting used to the bright light that shone right through the window.

The peace was disturbed as a certain someone barged though my door and flopped on my bed.

I chuckled,

"To what do I owe this visit?" I said, sitting next to Lisa.

"Well, good morning, to you too," she closed her eyes as she joked.

For the past week, Lisa has been acting strange, I do have to admit. She always seemed stressed and deep in thought.

"Wanna rant about whatever has been bothering you for like such a long time?" I softly said.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open and her head snapped up to meet my concerned one.

"It's not a rant, more like curiosity baby girl," my cheeks heated up at her label for me.

She giggled like a child before clearing her throat.

The playful atmosphere shifted,

"Jennie, I have questions for you and...well...urm...your family.."

I gulped and nodded, I didn't trust my speech abilities at the moment.

"What happened between you and your family?"

"Excuse me?" I tilted my head to the side, totally avoiding any suspicious gazes from Lisa by acting clueless.

She sighed, "Don't lie to me Jennie, I've known you for a really long time now and I could tell that you and your family weren't on good terms in the past."

She got me there.

"I don' to" I managed to say in one breath.

In an instant, I felt Lisa's arm around my waist and the other grabbing my cold hand into her warm one.

I looked at her confused, "What are you doing?"

She smiled, "Blurt out whatever comes to your mind. I'm sure my touch will relax you if you get intense, I promise. I hate to be the bossy one but I seriously need to hear this Jennie, I really do" She gave a reassuring nod and smiled, again.

I took a small intake of breath and started,

"My family, well my parents and I, were never on good terms actually. They were very violent towards each other, resulting in them taking their anger out on my small and weak frame. Our mornings always stated with fighting, shouting and annoyed groans. My mother, who always kept me safe in her arms when I was still a toddler, grew mega cold towards me and started to b-beat me u-up-" I choked out.

Lisa's gaze softened as I took a small glance at her.

However, I still continued, "My father always came home late from work, female fragrance was evident over his body, hell even I could smell it from afar. My mother got very suspicious of him and his late night shifts, considering he was still a junior in high office. Then one day, my mother caught him with another female. Anger burst through her and she immediately demanded for a divorce. The day it was your birthday was the day I lost everything, Lisa. My family and my life," I stated, my eyes blurring with tears.

Lisa's grip on me tightened but she didn't say anything, she knew it was better to just let me do the talking.

"The reason I always wore hoodies and jeans was to hide my filthy scars that I didn't wanna let anyone lay eyes on. They were that terrible. My body was filled with all types of wounds. Plasters and bandages were a must for me on that rate." I wiped a tear travelling down my cheek.

I slowly moved my head up to see Lisa tearing up as well,

"You hid it from me? How could you? I-" she shook her head, "We could've helped you escape that hell Jennie! We would've been able to let you see the true colours of life! If I knew this earlier, I would've pulled you into a tight embrace and plan on never letting you go, ever! I love you Jennie. Too much. You've been through so much and yet here you are, sitting in front of me and flashing that as-bright-as-pearls smile that you always wear. You died and here you are, tempting my body more and more for you each damn day. I fall in love over and over again, my love is pounding for you, it's like a lava erupting inside my body. I don't know how you're alive but, I'm thankful. Really, I am so fucking thankful that you came to haunt me. What happened between your parents is not any of your concern now. You're gonna stay with me from now on, I hope the future will treat us good. I don't want you away from me even for a single second, you're all mine. I love you."

My voice was lost in my throat at the words that left her mouth. I was astonished by her talk.

She had the affect on me, I immediately grabbed her neck and kissed her. Slowly and sweetly. The kiss was a promise to our future and our life together.

She let go off me and leaned her forehead against mine, "I swear I will forever protect you Jennie"

I grinned, "You're so cheesy Lalisa," She put out an adorable pout and moved away, crossing her arms.

"It's called affection, dummy"

I simply stick my tongue out, she laughed.

"But Jennie....i-"

I looked at her, furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion.

She exhaled,

"I think your parents were behind your death"

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