Chapter 24

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Jennie Kim

After the intense make out session, I've been avoiding Lisa.

I mean Everytime I go near her or just basically lay my eyes on her beautifully formed face, I lose all my sense of sanity.

She's fucking irresistible.

"Jennie?" A deep voice called my name and I immediately shot my head up.

We were currently eating dinner, well, I was just attacking my food with my fork.

I've not been able to focus on anything lately.

Bobby looked at me with concern in his eyes,

"You okay?" He asks, causing Jisoo to flinch.

Oh right.

He simply ignored her movement and continued staring at me, waiting for an answer.

I could only nod, my words were lost in my throat as I saw Lisa licking her lips.

Oh my God that was so hot.

My eyes automatically found their way to her.

"Welp, I'm gonna go sleep now. You guys better not forget the plans tomorrow!", Rosé was the first to leave.

"I'm going too" Jisoo mumbles while chewing the last crumbs of her food.

Of course, Bobby left too.

Leaving us alone.

"Staring is rude, you know?" Her raspy yet sweet voice snapped me back to reality.

That's when it hit me, I was staring at her the whole time.

She looked up to meet my eyes.

Her gaze was so mesmerizing.

She chuckled, leaning closer,

"Do I get you hot and bothered?" She whispered.

And in that moment, I felt my body tense up.

Her breath was brushing against my neck, enough to make me lose myself.

"Jennie, answer me"

My name sounded so peaceful out of her mouth.

I could sense her small in takes of breath besides me.

If she moved an inch closer, our lips would meet.

"I-i don't know what t-to say" I managed to say something.

She sighed and moved away.

"Meet me in my room"

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