Chapter 29

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Lalisa Manoban

I sat down, cuddling with Jennie in my bedroom. A life so perfect that I didn't imagine. I was so thankful for the girl in my arms. If someone told me I would've been encountered by a ghost and fell in love, I would've died laughing on the floor.

Suddenly, she pulled my hair. I hissed, "What the hell?" I carressed my head from where she tucked at it. She laughed, "You always get lost in thoughts about me and your gratitude, am I right?" She pulled away, facing me now. A smirk planted on her lips.

I looked away shyly, Dear God she looked so hot.

Her hair was a little messed up, her baby hair sticking out. Her shorts were exposing her glorious thighs, it took me everything to not grab them and just slowly bite down. Her shirt's upper buttons were open, giving me a clear view of what's underneath. Her lips looked so tempting right now.

This woman's beauty was driving me insane day by day, but hey, I'm not one to complain.

"Lisa?" Jennie's slender fingertips lifted my chin, slowly. Her brown eyes stared right back at mine. Worry echoed throughout her eyes, I could sense it.

"Yes, Jennie?" I asked, placing my hand on hers. I interlocked our fingers, our hands fit perfectly together. We were meant to be.

"I have to confide in you," she said, looking straight into my eyes.

I nodded, "Go on."

Suddenly, she let go of my hand. I frowned, "Why'd you do that?" I tilted my head, crossing my arms.

She licked her lips and but in them, eyeing me up and down. She leaned in closer, making me breathless with her beauty.

"You know," she whispered, leaning closer till we were nose to nose and eye to eye. "Some things are better defining with actions, rather than words." She winked.

That's when I realized, she pushed me and hovered above my body.

My eyes widened at the impact and I let out a soft moan as I felt Jennie's soft lips touch the base of my neck, gently kissing it. My heartbeat increased by a thousand. My mind was polluted with the things she was doing to me.

My fingers gripped on to the bed sheet tighter, small moans leaving my mouth with every intimidate action she did with my body. She reached down to my collarbones, gently nibbling on them. My chest was motioning up and down.

"Surprised much?" She asked, chuckling. She got up from the bed and started brushing her hair.

"What the fuck Jennie? So you're just gonna hover above me, do typical neck kisses and leave me sexually frustrated like this? Not fair," I huffed.

She looked at me, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous twinkle. "Welp, because I can clearly hear Rosé calling out your name outside, go put a leash on the beast, Lalisa." She winked.



"Okay okay I'm leaving, geez," I scoffed and got off the bed.


"What's up?" I casually strolled to the living room, picking up an apple from the table. It was extremely silent in the room, I felt very unusual.

My eyes gazed up at the three sitting, they seem tensed. Jisoo fidgeting with her fingers, her head was hung low. Bobby just silently crossed his arms, his back leaning against the sofa. Rosé had a solemn look on her face as well.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked, taking a seat next to Rosé.

"Is Jennie inside?" Jisoo asked.


I tilted my head looking at their nervous expressions. The anxiety was slowly killing me inside, it felt like I was in the principal office.

"Guys, what the hell is actually wrong-"

Bobby cut me off, "I did research about Jennie's second life and the result wasn't too appealing," he stated, avoiding his gaze to meet mine.

"What do you mean? Cut straight to the point," I said.

He looked at Jisoo, sho simply looked away. The atmosphere was telling me that his next words were up to no good. Like a cold bucket of water would be dropped on my head. As if a fire will go down, something terrible will take place.

Finally, his lips moved, his lips quivering, "She's just a hallucination,"

I dropped my apple.

Hello guys!

We're so close to finding out more! I'm so sorry that the reality is not what you all expected but I just seeing my characters in pain *evil laugh* okay I'm sorry.

Did you all see the latest episode of blackpink tv?! The interaction between BP and Lisa's parents was so emotional, I dropped a tear :'(

Anyways, please check out my other books! It would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my lame ass stories, love y'all!

Take care 💕

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