Chapter 14

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It was already five in the morning when I told Tzuyu that I needed to go to the bathroom for a bit.

When I came back, she had her head buried in between her arms, hair laid neatly behind her shoulders. Her breathing was smooth and steady, like it followed a rhythm. I watched the rise and fall of her back as she dreamed of whatever.

I was knocked out of my trance when I heard her shiver. She had forgotten to wear her socks, so I could almost feel the cold biting at her.

Leaving her to sleep on the table would be cruel, so I decided that I had to carry her to her room.

As cheesy and embarrassing that it would be.

I pulled back her chair a little bit to give myself some room, then proceeded to pick her up, bridal style.

She was lighter than I expected, despite how tall she was. It must've been JYP advising her to keep a certain weight that would appeal to the masses.

Unconsciously (I assume), she grabbed onto my shoulder. She looked very funny when sleeping. Her eyes were almost half-open, and every few seconds she would kiss the air.

I wonder who she's dreaming of?

Must be some male idol for all I care.

What was that group that they performed with the first time I went to one of their concerts? BTS or Got7? One of the dudes from there.

I opened the door to her room, and thankfully, it was unlocked. Perhaps Chaeyoung and Dahyun left it open for her. I'd have to remember to return the favor some time soon.

"So this is your room, huh," I whispered to myself.

The room was a little bit warmer than in the living room, the walls a nice eggshell white. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were sound asleep in their bunk bed to the left, and to the right was a neatly arranged bed with some puppy plushies, which I assumed to be Tzuyu's.

Carefully and slowly, I laid her down on the bed.

"Mmm, Gucci," she slurred.

Who the heck is Gucci? Her pair of shoes?

Ignoring it, I exited the room and quietly closed the door.

I yawned, insanely tired and desperate for some sleep.

I was about to walk to my room when a voice came from one of the rooms and startled me.


"Oh, God!" I hit my toe on the corner of the wall and lifted my leg to grasp it tightly. "Ow, that hurts!"

I turned around to see Nayeon walking towards me.

"Are you okay?" she chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess. The pain will leave after a while."

"I heard you helping Tzuyu with her Korean," she smiled.

"Oh, right," I laughed nervously.

"Don't get the wrong idea," she laughed. "I just want to thank you."

"For what, exactly? If anything, I should be thanking you for helping me get a job."

"Well, you see," she began. "Ever since I met Tzuyu, I've been taking care of her. It was my job at first to help her get used to the Korean environment, as well as teach her a bit of Korean whenever her usual tutor wasn't available."

I listened, nodding my head every so often.

"Seeing that you've been doing so much for her, it feels like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders," she continued. "Can you promise me one thing?"

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll take good care of her. She's been through more than any eighteen-year-old girl should. More than any of the rest of us."

"I promise I'll do my best," I said with confidence in my voice, placing my hand on my heart and bowing.

"No need to be so formal just 'cause I'm your senior," Nayeon laughed. "We're friends after all. But try anything and I'll bite you myself."

"B-bite?" I gulped.

"Yeah," she chomped her teeth. "Bite."

"Yes, ma'am!" I saluted.

"By the way," she came up close to my ear and whispered. "Just so you know, Sana's been talking about you a lot lately."

"She has?"

She pulled back and simply winked. "Goodnight y/n. Or good day, actually."

"Good day," I laughed.

We both walked to our rooms and closed our respective doors behind us.

I fell with my entire body weight onto my bed, bouncing up and down briefly. What a tiring day.

I closed my eyes and let the sweet clutches of sleep encompass me.


So yeah, I decided to make Sana the third member of the triangle, since it just made more sense, and Nayeon is just too old for our protagonist (you).

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