Chapter 25

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It's been four months that I haven't given any sign of updating this story.
I will, however, definitely finish it.
I got sidetracked by my dedication to other hobbies, such as video games.

But enough of that!

I will also be revising some of the chapters that I feel don't exactly sit well with me.

Anyway, without further ado, enjoy!

TWICE had already left for the event.

I wasn't formally invited, and there was really no purpose for me to be at the pier.

Of course, it didn't stop me from wanting to go there as a casual citizen. After all, it was a public event, and everybody was welcome to join.

My clothes were still very meager, a simple pair of black jeans and a plaid I shirt I chose to wear, under my only winter coat. I made sure to bring some hot pads if it ever got too cold for me.

Putting my phone and my wallet in my pockets, I took my sneakers and laced up.

The sun was already down, the streets were unusually yet pleasantly quiet, and the lights reflected off the damp asphalt.

Seeing that it was a beautiful night, I decided to walk to the pier, and as the event wouldn't start in about two hours, I had time to spare.

The cold bite of the air almost immediately caught me, making me shove my hands into the warm insulated pockets of my fur-lined winter coat.

As I walked to my destination, I couldn't help but think about the place.

It was a pier, which meant water. Water could mean swimming, which made my bones shiver more than the winter air did.

I had no idea how to swim. I'd always wanted to learn, but there wasn't really anybody available to teach me.

Maybe someone in Twice could, but their schedule is busy enough as it is.

I couldn't be more grateful to them, though. The reason I got to meet these great girls was because I wanted a Coke.

Imagine if I had brought a water bottle with me or something. I would've headed straight home and my life would be the same utter crap it used to be.

I was so up in life right then, that I felt like if I fell, it would be a long enough drop that I'd reach terminal velocity.

Realizing that I was probably overthinking things at that point, I decided to steer my attention to getting to the event, worried that it would be quickly filled by the enormous amount of fans and paparazzi that the multiple groups that are coming there have.

As I drew nearer, to my destination, I could see multiple vehicles parked on the side of the road, and distinct chatter could be heard echoing off the walls of the buildings that lined the block.

A few dozen more steps, and the pier came into view.

Along with about half a thousand people.

The place was almost completely filled. It almost scared me that the wooden boards that made up the pier would break under the enormous pressure that the crowd's weight was exerting on it.

I knew, however, that the floorboards were made of solid oak, tempered and refined, as the place just recently renovated, about a year before. This gave me slight comfort, though the goosebumps never really disappeared.

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