Chapter 23

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I let my head fall onto my desk, trying desperately to massage my forehead with the hard wooden surface.

I'm not even legal, and the amount of problems I let myself deal with is starting to get to me.

Here comes a huge episode that I have to edit, which will probably take me a week, since the new director gave me guidelines for a lot more complicated edits.

"Why is that BTS guy such a dick?" I sighed.


I slammed my head on the surface of the desk, venting out my anger.

What's his name? Cook? James Cook? Can't be, no way this guy discovered Australia.

Are male idols really that arrogant? JYP was an idol too once, wasn't he?

I massaged my head on the table further, harder, causing the wood to creak.

I decided to try and get an ice pack to cool my hot head off, getting up from my comfy office chair and slipping on the white house sandals that the girls so kindly provided for me.

I made sure to turn off the computer, worried that Nayeon might try to sneak into my room and unlock the door with her mystical bunny powers or whatever and mess up some of the stuff I have in here just to make me more miserable.

I walked to the door, placing my hand on the door knob.

I looked around at the room, the cleanliness of it, the.. way it felt like I had somewhere comfortable to stay in. How long would I last in here? Is just another one of my relative's houses where I stay a year and move to the next one?

I shook my head, chuckling to myself. I was starting to overthink things incessantly.

I opened the door and closed it behind me, stretching my arms and yawning softly. I needed to get more sleep. How these idols keep up with less than eight hours of sleep baffles me.

I walked into the kitchen, opening the aluminum door that housed the freezer of the refrigerator.

Peering into it, I saw an assortment of different kinds of meat, with a disgusting amount of chocolate and cookies and cream ice cream. After scavenging around, I finally found what I was looking for; the ice pack.

I grabbed it from the freezer and closed back the door.

The cool temperature of the pack filled my hands as I placed it onto my forehead, softly exhaling as I basked in the relaxation of it.

I slowly walked to the living room, where I plopped myself on the comfy cotton couch filled with plushies of puppies and Pokémon.

It seemed that I had company, as I heard high pitched squeak come from next to me.

"Hm!" It nearly hurt my ear as I grimaced. "Who's there?"

I saw a mound of pillows covering a person, so I took one of them and placed it on the coffee table, revealing a newly awakened Sana.

"It's me," I chuckled. "Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

Sana slowly got up, her hair messy and ruffled.

"I was too lazy to go to my room, so I decided to sleep here instead," she mumbled as she grabbed me and laid her head on my shoulder, humming. "You make for a really nice pillow, you know."

"You're also really clingy," I pointed out.

"I'm clingy with everyone," she laughed. "You're no exception!"

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