Double Trouble

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Callies POV

One week later

Today is my first doctors appointment and I am beyond nervous.  But Lena is so excited its all she can talk about.  So she is pretty much excited for the both of us.  Its not that I am not happy about this baby its just I am so scared.  I am no ready to be a mom at sixteen,  I mean you think I would be because I have taken care of Jude for so many years.  But the thought if me caring for a baby, just scares me.  What if I hurt it? What if I am a terrible mother? What if Brandon and I split up?  These question cross my mind on a daily basis now and its driving me crazy.

I grab a towel from the hall closet and go in to the bathroom and lock the door.  Not even five seconds later I hear a small knock on the door.

"Callie?" I sigh and open the door to see Brandon standing before me.

"I am ok B, just gonna take a shower." he just nodds before pulling me towards him and pressing his lips to mine.  I pull away breathless.

"What was that for?" 

"No reason." he winks and then turns heading to his room.

"Tease." he smiles and I shut the door.

I finally step in to the shower and once I put my head underneath the hot water the bathroom curtain flys open.

"Brandon what the hell." he just stares at me before he begins getting undressed.  He steps in and once again pulls me towards him and slowly presses his lips to mine and then slowly makes his way to my neck, I let out a little moan.

"Brandon we can't," he just looks at me and smiles and then goes back to kissing my neck and then my breast and before he makes it further down I step back.

"Slow down kid, not now," I pull away and give him a kiss on the lips.  "But maybe later." I open the curtain and grab my towel.  I give Brandon one last kiss before heading in to his room.  Or I guess are room.  Ever sense we found out about the baby, I moved my stuff in to his room.  We really do need are own place.  But before any of that we need to get jobs and not be sixteen years old in high school.  I finally get dressed and go downstairs and find everyone in the kitchen eatting breakfest.

"Morning." everyone gave me a smile before going back to eatting.  I sit next to Mariana who was to busy texting on her phone.

"Callie weres Brandon?" 

"Oh he got in the shower he should be down in a sec-" at that moment Brandon came down the stairs.

"Morning everyone." Brandon said with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you so happy its 8 in the morning." Jesus groaned.

"No reason." Brandon said smiling and giving me a wink. I felt me cheeks flush and tried to hide it from everyone.  Once everyone was done eatting.  Lena, Stef, Brandon, and I piled in to the car.  The drive to the OBGYN seemed like forever and I began to feel really nauseas.  I rolled down the window and let the wind hit my face.

"You ok love?" Stef rubbed my shoulder.

"Yeah just a little nauseas, thats all." Lena gave me a small smile and Stef finally turned around and toke Lenas hand in hers.  I laid my head on Brandons shoulder, I must of fallen asleep because I was woken by Brandon.

"We are here Cal."  I opened my eyes and I just felt myself freeze.  This is it, this is for real its not gonna go away.  There is a human being growing inside of me.

"Callie?" I break out of my trance and everyone is looking at me with a worried look.

"I'm fine, lets go." I get out of the car and speed walk to the front desk.  

"Hi, I am Callie Jacob, I have an appointment with Dr.  Willow." 

"Ah yes, here are some papers you need to fill out and you can fill them out in the waiting room.  Just bring them up when your done and the doctor should be with you shortly.'' I give the receptionist a small smile and take a seat near a another teen.  

"First time here?" I look up at the teen, she has long blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Yeah, can you tell?" she smiled and nodded her head.

"Its ok, this is my fifth check up and I still get nervous.  I'm Greyson." I smile

"Callie." at that second a nurse comes out the door.

"Greyson Jacob." I felt my heart sink, did I just hear that last name correctly.

"Nice meeting you, see ya around." I was at a loss of words.

"Callie are you ok?" Brandon takes a seat next to me and takes my hand.  I finally come back to reality.

"Yeah fine." Lena and I finally finished filling out the papers.  I was called first and as Brandon and I followed the nurse down the hall we passed Greyson and she gave me a small wave.  

"The doctor should be with you in a minute Ms.  Jacob."

"Thank you."

Brandon and I sat in silence until the doctor came in. Relax Callie.

Brandons POV

"How are you two doing today?"

"Fine doctor." Callie said in a shakey voice

"Great, so Ms. Jacob do you know how far along you are?"

"A month maybe? I am not excactly sure." neither of us were.

"Ok well I am gonna run a standard test. And see how you are doing."

30 minutes later

"Well Callie you are about a month and two weeks along in your pregnancy and there seem to be no health issues.  Are you ready for the Ultrasound?"  Callies eyes got wide and I could feel the excitement build up inside me.  We were finally gonna see are baby.

"Yes." the doctor turned on the machine and grabbed a tube of some gel stuff.

"This might be a little cold."  he squirted the gel across Callies stomach and then put the microphone looking thing on her stomach and ran it across it. 

"If you listen there you can hear your babys heart beat, which sounds perfectly healthy," It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. "Ummm one second..."

"Whats wrong?" I asked with worry in my voice.

"Well it looks like you two are gonne be  having twins. Congradulations!" 


Lenas POV

"And theres your baby." the doctor pointed to what looked like a little peanut and I felt complete joy wash over me.  I took Stefs hand and she looked at me with tears brimming her eyes.

"I will give you two a minute." the doctor wiped the gel from my stomach and left the room.  I went to pull my shirt down but Stef stopped me and placed her hand on my stomach.

"You are gonna be so loved," she said to my stomach and she then put her hand to my cheek "And you are beautiful."

I am over the moon.

Sorry it took me so long to update.  Just been crazy busy lately.  But I wanna say a HUGEEEE thank you for getting this to 1K reads, I am beyond thankful and happy.  Ya'll are amazing!  I should hopefully have the next chapter up soon.  Just having writers block at the moment.  But anyway thanks again for the reads and votes! Love ya'll!

-Marie <3

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