It's You (Start of Part Two)

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5 years later

Callies POV

"Mommy, wake up!" I feel a small hand touch my cheek and another press down on my nose. I open my eyes to a pair of brown and green eyes staring back at me.

"Mommy I hungry." The little girl whines.  I chuckle and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Well what does Colleen what this morning?" She puts her finger on her mouth and smiles.

"Cheerios." The boy makes a disgusted looking face.

"And what does Landon want?" He smiles ear to ear.

"Pizza!" I laugh and shake my head.

"No pizza is not something you eat for breakfest bud. Come on lets go see what cereal we have." I pull the comforter off me while Colleen and Landon race to the kitchen. I smile at them and can't believe how lucky I am. I pull my hair in to a bun, stretch my arms out and make my way to the kitchen. I fix Colleen her Cheerios and pick up Landon. He lifts up his toy dinosaur to my face.

"Rawrrr." I laugh and began to tickle him.

"Mommy stop it!" He laughs, I smile and give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright big guy, pick one." This is an everyday thing with him. He finally smiles and points at the fruit loops. He always picks those.

I fix him a bowl and go pick out there clothes for the day.

"Mommy, we go see Aunt Lilly and Robin?" Colleen yells from her seat.

"Yes love, after you are done eatting!" Once I get there clothes laid out, I go in my room, take a quick shower and get dressed and pull my hair back in to a pony. Colleen and Landon come running in, Colleen jumps in to my arms.

"Alright, lets go get dressed." I help Colleen get ready while Landon is determined to get ready on his own. He is so independent just like me, aside from the fact that I can put my shirt on right.

"Landon your shirts on backwards bud." He shurgs his shoulders and then fixes it. Once they are both ready we head to the car.  Its a quick drive to the park, there was barely anyone there. Once I unbuckled the twins they ran as fast as they could to the slides.

"Aunt Lilly!" Colleen yelled and jumped in to Lillys arms.

"Hey there beautiful, wanna tell mommy to hurry up?" I smile while Colleen turns to me and yells.

"Mommy hurry up!" I laugh while Lilly puts Colleen down and walks over to me.

"They are getting so big, I can't believe they are gonne be four in two weeks." I smile but then frown.

"Yeah don't remind me." We go sit on the bench and watch the kids run around the playground.

"Here." She hands me a ticket for a concert for tonight.

"Who is Someones Little Sister?" The name sounded oddly familiar.

"Its a band my cousin Lou is in, they are doing a small tour, she got me two tickets for tonight. And no backing out on me this time." I shake my head.

"Lil I don't have a sitter."

"No worries Molly said she can watch the twins and Robin for us." I was gonna back out but I haven't had a night without the twins in a while, and plus it could be fun.

"Fine." Lilly squealed and gave me a hug.

"Momma is gettin her groove back." I chuckle and shake my head.

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