We Made It

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Callies POV

I looked at Brandon and I saw the shock in his eyes.

"I told you this would happen!" I ran up the stairs and locked myself in Brandons room. Nothing changed, it was as if I was sixteen again. God, my life just can't ever be simple, but I make it so hard for my life not be simple. I just always have to find a way to ruin something or someone. Thats who I am, I am a ruiner (bad grammer, oh well). I destroy every good thing that happens to me. Except for Colleen and Landon, I have yet to ruin there lifes, thats because that will never happen. Those two are my everything, I will make sure that there life was much better then mine growing. I will never leave my babies. Never.

"Cal please open the door." I didn't move from the corner of the room.

"Mommy?" when I hear Colleens voice, tears begin to slide done my cheeks. I got up from the floor and slowly opened the door, Colleen smiled and jumped in to my arms.

"Don't cry mommy." she wiped the tears from my eyes,

"Cal?" I looked over Brandon and saw Jude standing there with puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Brandon, why don't you take the twins downstairs for bit." Brandon gave me a small smile, and quick peck on the cheek.

"Come on guys, mommy will be downstairs in a bit." Colleen and Landon raced downstairs with Brandon chasing after them, there laughter fading.

"They are great Callie." Jude fumbled with his fingers and wouldn't look up at me.

"Jude I am... I-I am so sorry." my voice cracked and felt fresh tears form in my eyes. We were standing in the middle of hallway, but then a brown object caught my eye. I gasped and walked in to what was my old room. Nothing has really changed, my bed was even still there. But when I saw the guitar, I knew they didn't touch or move anything because they hoped I would of come home. 

"You guys kept all my stuff?" Jude gave me a small smile, and slight nod.

"Moms and Mariana refused to get rid of any of it, everyone kept telling them it wasn't good for them but it went in one ear and right out of the other. They knew deep down that you would return eventually, they just didn't think it would have been five years. And we all didn't think you would be a mom either..." Jude sighed, "Connor wants to get married when we graduate high school." I smiled wide and took Judes hand we sat down on my old bed.

"Jude thats great, are you sure ready for that big of a step?" Jude took a minute to respond, but then finally nodded his head.

"I love him more then anything Callie. He is my forever." this brought tears to my eyes.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world Judicorn." he pulled me in to a tight embrace and I smiled with tears sliding down my cheeks.

"I will never leave you again Jude, I promise." he pulled away and held up his pinky.

"Pinky promise." I smiled before wrapping my pinky around his.

"Pinky promise. How about we head back downstairs." When we got downstairs everyone was sitting in the living room. Stef and Lena were talking to Brandon, Mariana was playing with Colleen and Jesus was playing with Landon. It brought yet another smile and tear to my eye.

"Mommy!" Colleen ran up to wrapping her arms around my waist. I picked her up and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and giggled.

"Are you playing with Aunt Mariana." Colleen nodded and pointed to Mariana.

"Aunty Mari." Mariana smiled wide and a few tears slid down her cheeks.

"Landon come here bud." Landon ran over to me and Colleen.

"Ok you guys we are gonna play a game. When I point to each person in this room I will say there name and you guys are gonna try your best to repeat. Sound fun?" the both nodded and I could see Brandon smiling out of the corner of my eye.

"Ok, so you know Aunty Mari. Can you saw Uncle Jesus?"

"Uncy Jesus!" Jesus laughed.

"Close enough. Alright how about Uncle Jude?"

"Uncy Jude!" I looked at Connor and Jude and they were both smiling wide.

"Good! Alright we have four more. Can you say Uncle Connor." thats when everyone looked at me confused. Jude just smiled while Connor took his hand in his.

"Uncy Connor!"

"Ok you guys this one is gonna be tricky. Can you say Grandma Stef and Lena?" they scrunched there noses before smiling.

"Grandma Stef and Ena!" Moms laughed and wiped the tears from there cheeks.

"And there is one more." I stood up and looked at Brandon.

"Whos he you guys."

"DADDY!" they jumped up and down smiling. I took Brandons hand in mine.

"Correct. Brandon is your daddy and my fiance." I didn't bother to look at everyones shocked but happy faces, I just stared in to Brandons bright green eyes that made my heart melt, make my stomach do cart wheels, and then his lips that made me feel like I was floating on a cloud.

"We made it." he whispered to me. A smile laugh escaped my lips before I pressed my lips to his.

I know, I know. "You didn't update for weeks and this is all we get." lol Anyway sorry for taking forever to update.  School and work seem to consume my life right now.  But hopefully when fall break comes I can update more and make the chapters longer for you.  And I sort of started a new fanfic and its still brallie just with a different plot. Its called "Hi, I am Brandon..." ya'll should give it a read.

Once again I am sorry it took me so long to update. Please vote and leave comments. Love ya'll!

-Marie <3

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