Wedding Day: Part Two

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A/N: I apologize for any spelling and  grammar errors in advance...

Brandon's POV

Everyone stood and my nerves were going crazy. This was actually happening I was going to marry the love of my life, soulmate,and the mother of are four soon to be five children. (I counted the twins they lost) As soon as I saw her my breath caught in my throat she was breathtaking, her smile lit up the room, she looked so happy and I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"You did good man." Jesus gave me a pat on the shoulder.  Once Robert and Callie met the end of the aisle, Robert gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before handing her off to me. She smiled wide at me and gave my hands a tight squeeze.

"The bride and groom would like to do things a little differently. They would just like to do there vows. Brandon." Callie already had tears in her eyes. I wrote something out but I decided to say what was truly from the heart.

"Callie Quinn Jacob. The love of my life and mother of my children. We have been to hell and back my love and have over come so many obstacles.  I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you.  I can't imagine my life without you in it, what a miserable life that would be.  I promise you today to always love you and comfort you in time of need and cherish you for all eternity.  I am ready to spend the rest if my life with you as my wife.  Forever and always my love." Callie wiped the tears from her eyes and gave me a huge smile.

"Callie?" Callie took out a piece of paper.

"Brandon, my love.  You brought me back to life, and for that I am forever grateful.  Loving you has been an adventure and I wouldn't change a thing.  Today will be the start of are life's together as man and wife.  I promise to always love you, laugh together until we cry, watch sappy love movies, and play in the rain.  You are mine and I am yours, forever my love." The tears slid down Callies cheeks and I gave her a kiss in the cheek.

"The rings please?" Landon walked up and carefully placed the rings in my hand.

"Brandon on this day, do you take Callie as your wife forever and always." I slid the ring on her finger and smiled.

"I do."  She held my ring and I could see her hand shaking.

"And Callie on this day, do you take Brandon as your husband forever and always?" She slid the ring on to my finger and nodded.

"Of course I do." I caressed her cheek.

"Well by the power invested in me and the state of California I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your lovely bride." I crashed my lips on to Callie's, wrapping my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. Everyone behind us clapped and cheered. When we finally pulled apart I looked deep in to Callie's eyes.

"I love you Mrs. Foster." She giggled.

"I love you to Mr. Foster."

I will post the reception chapter soon. :)

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