Graduation, Something Pink, & Disagreement

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7 months later

Callies POV

Today is Jude's Graduation and I tear up at just the mention of it. My baby brother is growing up way to fast.  When he turned eighteen I cried when he appeared in the kitchen for breakfest, how I am gonna be today.  My mom would have been so proud, Stef tells me she is watching over us and will be there in are hearts. I hope she is.  As I put on my flats on I hear Brandon yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Callie, come on babe we got to go!" "Yeah mommy hurry up!" I chuckle before finally getting down stairs. Landon and Colleen are both chasing each other around the living room while Brandon is trying to get them to put there shoes on. Now he sees what I deal with when he goes to the studio early.

"Having trouble there B?" He looks up at me and sends me a death glare which only causes me to laugh at him.

"Colleen and Landon!" They both stop in there tracks and stare at me.

"Let daddy help you put your shoes on and then you can go back to chasing each other around again. Deal?" They both nodded there head furiously. After Brandon put on there shoes they began to chase each other around the house.  Hopefully they would get a little wore out so they would stay still at the graduation ceremony.

"We just moved in to this house two months ago and the twins are already scuffing up the hard wood floors." I just laugh and wrap my arms around Brandon's neck.  Looking down, he was waring his maroon button up, my favorite.

"You are such a girl B. And do you still have this shirt?" He chuckles while nodding his head, he leans in and gives me a soft but passionate kiss, Brandon puts his hands on my hips pulling me closer, and I run my hands underneath his shirt, balling my fists.

"Ewwwww!" Brandon pulls away and I chuckle at the twins disgusted looks.

"Daddy gave mommy cuddies!" Colleen exclaimed, Brandon ran over to her and scooped her up and gave her kisses all over her cheeks which caused her to abrupt with fits of laughter.

"Haha daddy stop!" Brandon gave her one last kiss before putting her down.

"All right we got to go, head out troops." Brandon laughed at me, once we got in to the car the twins begged to listen to Shake it Off By: Taylor Swift.  This was gonna be a long car ride. Brandon made it fun when he sang in his worst voice.

After listening to the same song three times we finally arrived at Anchor Beach.  The parking lot was packed.

"We are five minutes late Cal." We each grabbed one of the twins and rushed inside, it was easy to find mom's and we sat down next to Mariana and Mat.

"Your late." Mariana exclaimed, which only caused Mat to chuckle and shake his head.  Mariana has been quite emotional and moody lately, I hope it stops soon. Geez.

"Ignore her she has been very moody lately." Mariana shot him a death glare. Mom's shushed us, which only caused us to laugh quietly.  For once the twins were being more mature then us.

"Jude Adams-Foster!" Everyone in the family stood up and roared with cheers and claps. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I can't believe it, just six years ago we came to The Fosters not expecting for them to actually want to keep us and give us a permanent home.  Jude has come so far and I couldn't be more proud of him. He waved at me giving me the biggest smile possible and I waved back smiling ear to ear.  I mouthed "I love you" and he mouthed "I love you too" I saw Connor standing up and clapping loudly.  Jude deserved all the happiness in the world.

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