Everything's Gonna Be Ok

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Brandons POV

No no no no this can't be happening.

I was in such shock that I didn't even hear my mom open the door.

"Brandon what the hell is going on?!" my head shoots up and I just crumble right there and I soon hear Callie and Lena come in to the bathroom.  Callie rushes to my side, why is she supporting me I should be supporting her, but she still doesn't know the results of the test.

"Callie its positive." I whisper in her ear and all color leaves Callies face.

"Why don't we all go downstairs and talk this out, ok?" Lena motions everyone towards the stairs and we all obey her orders.  Once we are all in the living room my mom explodes.

"How could you two let this happen! Brandon we put condoms in the house and gave you the "talk" so many times! You two are only sixteen years old, you are not ready to be parents!" Lena rests her hand on moms shoulder.

"Stef honey sit down and calm down." mom yanks her shoulder away from Lenas grip.

"How am I supposed to be calm Lena?! We gave them rules and we allowed them to be together and look how that turned out!" Callie was gripping my hand and crying quietly to herself and I could feel my heart racing.  I finally stood up.

"You think we expected this to happen?!" I yelled.

"Brandon honey-" I ignored Lena and stared straight at my mom.

"We used protection and you should no better then anyone that it doesn't always work.  Cause here I am.  And yeah we may only be sixteen years old but we are well then mature for are age.  People make mistakes mom and yes ares is a big one but we love eachother and we are gonna make it through this!  And if you don't support us then I will leave and you will never see my or Callie again." mom stood there at a lose of words.  She grabbed her keys and walked out the door slamming it behind her.  I looked over at Callie and she was still crying. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Shhhhh, I promise everything is gonna be ok." Callie looked up at me and forced a small smile across her face.  I look over at Lena who is just staring at us in shock.

"I'm sorry Lena." she just shakes her head.

"Brandon I am not mad, I mean you could have handled that better... I can't believe I am saying this but Stef had it coming... I think apart of her is mad because well..." Lena looks down at her feet and runs her hand through her curly hair.

"Lena?" Callie finally spoke and Lena looked up smiling but always had a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Well I found a sperm donor and well we inseminated last week... And I am... ummm pregnant to."

Holy shit.

Callies POV

Lenas pregnant to... This can't be happening.

Once Lena told us Stef came through the door and you could tell she was crying.

"I uh never left but... I am so sorry loves." she walked over to Brandon and I and gave us hug while she cried.

"Mom, Lena told us." Stef pulled away from us and looked over and Lena.  

"We are gonna have to keep some stashes of chocolate around the house for these two." Stef winks at Brandon and I laugh.

"I am so sorry Stef." Stef shook her head.

"No love I am sorry,  I should have handled it better.  Its just I can't get over the fact that my baby boy is having a baby." Stef looked over at Brandon, who had a tears sliding down his cheeks.

"I love you mom." Brandon whispered.

"I love you to B." she pulled Brandon in to a hug, then the front door opens and Mariana, Jesus, and Jude walk in the house.

This ought to be intresting.

"Whats going on?" Jude asked with a puzzled look on his face.  

Lena patted the spot next to her, "Why don't you all take a seat, so we can talk." 

Mariana sat next to me, Jesus sat on the floor, while Jude sat next to Lena.  I felt my nerves rise and my heart was racing.

"Brandon and Callie would you like to go first." Stef looked at us, giving us a reassuring smile. I went to speak but when I opened my mouth no word came out.

"Callie is ummm.... Callies pregnant." the room went silent, you could hear a pen drop,  It must have been five minutes before Mariana squealed and wrapped her arms around me.

"I am gonna be an AUNT!" I smiled and all Jesus could muster was a congradulations. I looked over at Jude and usually I could read that kid like a book but I had no idea what he was feeling.

"Jude?" he looks at me and smiles.

"I get to pick the middle name." I breathed a sigh of relieve and walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"I love you kid."

"I love you to Callie." once I sat back down next to Brandon and Mariana,  Stef cleared her throat to get everyones attention.

"Theres more." Stef looked at Lena.

"I am pregnant to..." Mariana squealed again and it seemed louder then the last time.

"Great, two hormoneal women under the same roof." Jesus huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up Jesus." Mariana retorted, "This is great I am gonna be an aunt and a sister!" 

I looked over at Mariana and smiled but then felt another pang in my stomach and darted up the stairs.  Stef and Brandon right behind me.  

This is gonna be a long nine months.

I know this is a short chapter and it isn't all that great.  I have just been super busy with sports and school.  But I will make sure the next chapter is better.  I am so grateful for all the reads, comments, and votes. Ya'll are amazing! Thank you :)

-Marie <3

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