Dana gets help from Egon

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     Dana woke up that morning frazzled and tired

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     Dana woke up that morning frazzled and tired. She looked out the window confused wondering about the dream she just had. She thought it was not normal for her and she dared not to tell Peter at all about it. She knew that if she'd tell Peter, he would want to come over and stay in her apartment for crying out loud!

Dana puts some clothes on and walked down the streets of New York to get some coffee. The cold morning made Dana wakes up a little bit. After she bought some coffee she decided to drive down to The Theoretical Research Lab to get some answers from Spengler.

"What did you see?" "Weird creatures from other worlds, it was unlike anything I've ever seen. Do you know what it is?" "Well, ahem, these dream images are common, that they have a generally accepted meaning, this is one of the most uncommonly reported dreams I've gotten from someone. makes it easier for you to remember it. "Dana tilts her head with a scoff," It's just that I keep dreaming of them every night, every single night! " Egon takes off the brain censors and helps Dana up, "How long has this been occurring?" "Months, long months and I'm starting to get worried!" Egon calms her down with his soothing voice, "Try not to worry, I'll be able to help you." 

"I just do not want this to turn into something bad and putting everyone in danger again." Egon puts his hand on Dana's shoulder, "Do not worry, you're not going to put New York in danger. Besides, we've got rid of Gozer." Egon stood up and held a weird and small piece of tech in his hand. He went to the glass and looked up to where a pre-teen girl was inside reading a book. Dana walks next to Egon curious at what he's doing. He scanned the glass, with the small piece of tech as it is made whirring and beeping sounds. "Good ... Excellent." He said. "What are you working on now Egon?" Asked Dana. "Doing just the same I did last time." Trying to see if the human emotions affect the physical environment. " He had scanned the glass more for results. Egon's assistant walks in and tells the girl to stop reading. The girl shrugged and switched out the book for the Nintendo. When Egon's assistant left the room, the pre-teen girl began to play on the Nintendo. 

"Excellent just excellent!" "Who is that young girl Egon?" Asked Dana. "Just a test person. Why?" "I was just curious, anyhow, you will not tell Peter about the dreams, right?" Egon stood up with Dana, "Oh, I won't, May I put Ray in on this?" "I'm sorry, I just cannot risk him getting his ear pulled and Peter walking into my apartment room again." "That's alright, it just will take me a little bit longer to find what could be wrong with you." "I do not mind, you at least helped me the first time I came into Theoretical Research And I'm glad ..." Dana kisses him on the side of his face and walks out of there, leaving Egon with a smile.

Egon's assistant walks over and Egon backed up next to her," Let's see what happens if we take away the Nintendo." Egon's assistant looks up to him unsure of what to say but she shrugged and went in and did it.  His assistant went inside and just took the Nintendo out of the pre-teen girls hands for no reason. "HEY! What the heck?" Yelled the pre-teen girl angry.  "Hmm... Interesting..." Said Egon as his tiny tech in his hand beeped and whirred loudly.  The girl behind the glass crossed her arms with a grudge,"Why did I agree to this torture!? WHY! stupid test person being STUCK in here... Ugh!" She banged her fists on the glass wall in front of Egon.  His piece of tech beeped extremely loud,"Strange....." He said looking at the small tech in his hand observantly.

Dana arrived at her apartment building.  She walked down the hall and quietly past Louis Tully's door.  She opened her door and walks inside turning on the lights.  Then, she puts her things on the ground and sat on the couch exhausted.  Next, she turns on the TV and immediately, the Ghostbuster add comes on:

Dana sighs, "Funny men.  Going from being kicked out of a University to a whole ghostbusting business!" She turns off the TV and walks into her kitchen until there was a knock on her door. She walks over and opens it up revealing Louis Tully. "Oh, um, hey Dana! I was just wonderin if I could borrow your step stool?" "Oh well, yes of course, let me just get it." Dana walks to the closet and gets the step stool for Louis and hands it to him at the door. "Thanks Dana! Um, do you, do you need any help in here by any chance? I can be a great help! Yesterday I helped this old lady get her cat out of this tree so I climbed up and got it down for her.  She was really nice and she thanked me for doing that and_." "No thank you, bye Louis...." Dana closes the door on Louis.  

"Okay! I'll be sure to bring this this thing back!" He shouts from behind the door.  Louis walks back to his apartment door but it is locked.  "Aww come on man!" He kicked the door but it wouldn't budge.  Dana chuckled with a sigh, "I feel bad for him, I really do..."


Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now