A Beautiful Night

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  Snow fell in New York that very next evening, the lights of New York glowed brightly in the darkness.  The Rockefeller tree was lit near the Rockefeller center as the ice rink set the season feeling of the Holiday's.  It was quite chilly when you walked next to the streets, it was a busy season.  Now, the Ghostbusters had been out for the Hoilday's with other friends and family after defeating the demon ghosts.  Egon, his parent's, were already dead(sadly), and his friends had already left him. 

  Silver bells rung, as carols were sung all around New York with Christmas Cheer, the thing was that Egon doesn't just celebrate Christmas.  It was December 1st, and the next night would be a holiday he would always have to celebrate for seven days...Hanukkah.  He believed in two religions, it didn't make sense to others but he took part in it both roads.  Now, he had been walking alone wearing his light grey jacket, black jeans, a black vest with a red tie tucked into his white collared undershirt.

  He was about to take a taxi cab when someone tapped on his shoulder.  He turns to see Dana, She had worn a red scarf and light blue jacket and gloves.  She greeted Egon with a hug, he smiled hugging back.  The two of them take the Taxi to the Rockefeller center.  They arrived right in front of the center where the tree glowed with different colors and lights.  The star at the top flickered.  Down below was the skating rink where everyone skated as the snow lightly fell in the city of New York.  

   When the taxi left as Egon found himself holding hands with Dana, it was like they were very close twins, but it was much more.  The two of them walked hearing the carol of,"Somewhere in my Memory" was sung by teenagers in rows from tallest to shortest.  Dana went on as Egon was pulled by her, he laughed.  They ran to the skating rink, Egon said he hadn't ice skated in two years.  Dana held up black shoe ice skates in his size, he smiled rolling his eyes as he takes them from her.  

  She wore white ice skate shoes as he wore the black ones.  They came onto the ice, the whole rink was empty as it was now just the two of them.  Dana glided onto the ice as he followed right behind.  "I've never seen you ice skate before." spoke Egon. 

 "It has been a while for me as well." Dana chuckled.  Soon, she started gliding faster gaining speed on the ice, he looks to her surprised.  As she glided faster and faster, then she leaps up in the air making a graceful front spin.  In slow motion Dana spun slow as she had a great white smile and energetic proud-ness look upon her face.  Egon watched then again as everything went back to normal speed as she lands gliding on her left skate with her right leg extended back, and her right arm extended out with her left arm extended back.  

  "My god that was amazing! I could never do anything like that." says Egon skating next to her as she went back to gliding normally.  

"Were you good at some sports? Besides Ghostbusting and science?" She asks curiously.

"Hmm, all I could think of is playing Pickle-ball with Janine and that's it.  I don't really play any sports.  I mean, I learned how to ice skate with my parents a long time ago, but I don't play any sports no."

Dana laughs,"But how are you so tall and strong?"

He smirked,"Chromosomes, hereditary material making up in my deoxyribonucleic acid I suppose."


"I saying I probably get it from my parents.  My mother was tall and responsible, and my father was about normal height but he was super intelligent.  In other terms, I get my tall height and strength from my mother and my intelligence from my father."

  Dana pushed him away laughing,"Oh you nerd, that's what I really like about you, something that Venkman doesn't have."

  "What do I have that Venkman doesn't?" Egon asked concerned.

"You don't always make jokes when it's not really necessary.  Peter would always blabber about trying to become rich and famous.  Or he'll make up jokes to other people that make them angry.  Here you, your serious with everything and you'll make jokes when there are appropriate times.  Your also sweet, smart, and strong.  No one else has the same what you have."

  Egon smiles with a blush, he adjusts his glasses,

"Thank you Dana, just know that sometimes your too kind."

She laughs once again.  Then the two of them make there way off the ice rink, then removing the ice skating shoes and putting back their normal shoes on.  The star on top of the Rockefeller tree glowed brightly as Egon and Dana held eachother's hands as they walked past the stores, some were filled with clothes, some filled with candles, and some were filled with children toy's.  It was a nice sight for the them seeing the kids in the toy store.

  Egon and Dana stood there seeing kids run in and out of the store with wooden toy cars, flutes, teddy bears, wooden planes, and yoyo's.  Dana turns her head to him speaking softly,

"I would love to have a child someday, all these kids are teasing me, ha ha ha!"

Egon squeezed her hand,"An interesting thought.  You know why?"


He smiled nodding his head, he spoke in his deep voice,"Cause I had the same thought as well, isn't that quite ironic?"

  Dana smiles chuckling, she turns to face in front of him, gazing into his deep brown eyes through those spectacles.  As Spengler had done the same looking into her beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled.  He touched her face gently, this was the woman who he saved from that terrifying dragon, and this was the woman who he desired.  'Was this a heartwarming feeling?' Egon Spengler thought,'It's not rocket science just kiss her!'

     Both turned their heads and kissed under the glowing Rockefeller tree.  

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now