The Lost Little Boy

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  Setting is night-time still not daytime^ 

  Dana Barrett and Egon Spengler stroll there way towards fifth avenue near an intersection.  They crossed the street over to more of where the stores were, they were lit up and bright.  All around were carolers, but all singing the same exact song, it was pleasing to Dana's ears.  The couple make their way to an empty field with tall oak trees surrounding it.  Snow piled and packed up high as it went all the way up to their knees.  Dana asked why they were here and Egon shrugs asking her if she wanted "to build a snowman" She agreed.  

  The two of them take snow and ball it up to roll it into the snow with the ground.  Rolling the packed snow into bigger snow balls they then put one large base, then another for the torso, and a small one for the head.  Dana happened to have had a carrot she bought from the grocery store as she puts the nose on it.  Egon finds black rocks and puts eyes and a mouth on the snowman.  They both stood side by side, he pulls her close as she smiled looking at the snowman they had made.  

   The carolers faded in the distance, they walk away as the snowman was left in the falling snow in the middle surrounded by tall trees.  The brisk air blew the falling snow, the two of them make their way back up towards the center where the grand tree was.  Just as suddenly as it happened, Egon's ears perked up as he had heard someone, .... a child crying.  Dana confused watched as he walked leaving her behind the building.  She follows concerned for him.

  As Spengler peaked over the side of the building, it was dark, but he heard sniffling and coughing of a child sitting with his or her legs together and his/her head down.  He took out his flashlight from his light brown coat and shined it on the child in the dark.  Dana gasped covering her mouth feeling terrible.  It was a a little boy the age of seven years old, he wore an England beanie, a red vest jacket with blue sleeves, and black sweats with Vans shoes.  He seemed really upset, Egon walks over still holding up his flashlight, he lowers it next to him as he came down to his knees,

  "What happen here?" 

The boy looks up sniffling as his face was red.  He seemed to be ill sitting in the snow all by himself.

"I-I-I'm l-luh-l-lost." he stuttered with an English accent and sniffled.

"Don't worry, we're gonna help you find your parents." says Egon kindly.

The boy nods his head,"Buh' how mister?"

Egon stood up in a kneeling position, he felt under the child's neck to see if he had a fever,

  "Your lucky, you just have a low grade fever, but you need to get back home and have that treated.  Now, what is your name?"


"Okay, Tommy, when was the last time you saw your parents?"

"Ummmm, I think... it was the toy store near the center.  But, aren't you a stranger?"

Dana comes in,"We're not strangers, we are here to help you, I'm Dana and this is Egon, he is a doctor that helps people in many lovely ways.  Now, could you lead us to where you last saw your parents?"

   The boy sniffled nodding his head, he coughed a little but continued to walk down towards the center.  Dana looks to Egon, they both stand up and follow the boy hoping for him to become better.  Then, when they came to the Toy Store, they searched the whole place but couldn't find his parents.  Tommy hung his head full of sorrow, Dana came outside along with Egon, they asked him what his last name was,

  "Tommy Stantz, my father's name is Samuel Stantz and mother is Lorraine Stantz,"

"Wait, what?" says Egon stopping him.

"What is it sir?"

Dana looks at Egon and Egon looks at Tommy.  He scratched his head,

"Um, Tommy, are you familiar with Raymond Stantz?"

Tommy's eyes lit up with excitement,"Uncle Ray?!  You know him?!!!"

"Yes we're very close friends, I could probably ask Ray to help you find your parents.  Otherwise, your very lucky."

All three of them make there way down third street to where a red phone box was.  He walks into the phone box closing the door behind him with Dana and Tommy outside.  He dials the numbers and picks up the phone as it was calling.  Finally, Ray answered joyful,

 "This is Raymond Stantz!"

 "Yeah Hi Ray it's Egon."

"Hey! What's going on?"

"Listen, um, I'm kinda in a situation right now but it involves one of your family relatives."

"My family relatives?"

"Yes, we found a little boy that was lost and couldn't find his parents. It actually turned out to be your nephew."

"Little Tommy?!  Awe, that poor little guy!  You know, the same exact thing happened last year." 

"Ray that's terrible!"

"I know, I know, but he got injured last year, got hit by a bicycle on accident, his parents found him immediately and he turned out  to be fine 'thankfully'.  Lucky him that you found him but, I guess I'll call my brother.  He is seriously bad at keeping track of Tommy except for his wife.  Sorry to put you in that situation Spengs."

"It's okay, but I do have to tell you that he has a low grade fever, tell your brother to give him medicine!"

"Will do, why don't you guys stay at Rockefeller center in front of the tree, I'll tell Samuel where you guys are, okay?"

  "Alright, see ya."


  He hangs up the phone and goes out to tell Tommy and Dana what they had been talking about.  They went back to the Rockefeller center where the tree was.  Of course, after waiting for a half an hour a car rolls up as two desperate looking parents run out of the car seeing Tommy.  Lorraine hugs Tommy with tears in her eyes as Samuel had done the same.  Then Samuel looks up to Egon and Dana feeling extremely guilty,

  "I'm so sorry, I always get drawn to things and then Tommy is off and wandering.  Thank you so much..."

Dana nods her head,"He's a sweet and beautiful child."

Lorraine felt under the Tommy's neck,"Oh baby, you have a little fever, we're going to take you home, everything's gonna be okay."

  Egon and Dana watched as the parents got back in the car with Tommy as they drove off into the night.  

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now