Dana's Dream Dragon

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   Dana was told to drive on over too the Ghostbusters facility where Spengler had supposedly wanted to do the test.  She arrived at the front of the building and got out of the car.  When she walked inside, Janine greeted her with a friendly smile.  Dana continued down the hall and quietly past Peter's office into the separate room.   A chair was set up next to the "Spectral Analyzer" screen with the brain sensors that were connected.  Dana knocked on the side of the wall,"Um, hello?"  behind the table, Spengler stood up with his headlamp around his head. "I've been waiting to see you, you can just sit over there in the chair."  Dana walked over and sat on the chair being very patient.  "I just want to take a look at your brain waves, then I will see if anything might be wrong with you." "I'm sorry but, what exactly are brain waves Dr. Egon?" asks Dana kindly.

     Egon sighs getting his scientific utensils ready, while he did so, he explained to Dana,"Brainwaves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp. They are divided into bandwidths to describe their functions, but are best thought of as a continuous spectrum of consciousness; from slow, loud and functional - to fast, subtle, and complex."  Dana chuckles,"You seem to be complex!"  Egon smiled,"Let me just put it this way for you, if I can,  Ahem.  While most of us focus on our emotions in an attempt to become happier, more spiritual beings , our brain waves and our subconscious mind also play a key part in our quest for fulfillment." "Hmm, very interesting!" spoke Dana kindly.  Egon smiled as he put the brain sensors on the sides of Dana's temples (sides of her head) behind her eyes.  

     Egon turns on the machine revealing a thermal imaging of Dana's head.  "So, can you tell me more details on what you saw?" Dana scratched her head,"Well, the were strange creatures alright,"  "What did they look like?" asks Egon.  "They had long curly horns of a ram, they were tall green dragon like.  But it turns to Black with red fiery eyes.  Although when it's green,  they have glowing yellow eyes that seem to scare the hell out of me, and they had tails as long as a the Great wall of China!  I mean, it sounds like I'm crazy but, they'd always chase after me every time!  This has been happening to me every single night though!  The next night and the next night, the dragon snarling like creatures seem to become more lifelike than usual night after night!"  After Dana finished explaining what the monster looked like, Spengler thinks deeply of the description Dana had given him.  "Hmm,"  "Do you know what it could be Dr. Spengler?"

     "I think I might know what it is, but I might not be 100% correct.  What I think you're seeing is the Mythical Dragon of  the fire-breathing leviathan.  Only the rare somewhat changing green one of course,  he turns deep black with flaming eyes?" "Yes!" "Then that is what's haunting you.   Clearly one of the fiercest creatures that God made, it is difficult to establish exactly what Leviathan was. The Bible describes a sharp-toothed, scaled creature whose habitat is the mire and deep waters. Although, Ken Ham Answers in Genesis suggested the ferocious kronosaur as a candidate.  If it is a fire-breathing leviathan, then it must be a land-dweller as well, but breathes fire."  "So, why is it haunting me in my dreams?" 

 " It's Probably the work of Scandinavian Draugar, he has the power to possess superhuman strength, he can increase their size at will, and carry the unmistakable stench of decay,"  "For You he is possessing you with a 'Dream Dragon' of a fire breathing leviathan which is mythical,"  "If the dragon overcomes you, he might possess you." "Can you at least try to help me?"  "Yes, of course I would for you.   It would probably just take some time."

   Egon takes off the brain sensors around Dana.  They both stood up at the same time.  Dana looks up to Egon,"Well, I thank you for your help.  I appreciate it a lot since this whole dream thing is quite frightening me.  So you think it is this mythical demon Draugar that is behind this?" "I'm quite positive, but, try not to worry."  "It's just been quite terrifying since the past weeks and I wasn't sure who to go too.  I'm not saying that Peter is rude but, I felt like coming to you because I knew you'd give me some answers."  "There are lots of complicated things to your conflict.  But, I can help you." "You promise not to tell Peter?" "I won't." "I'm sorry to say this time, I can let you work with your friend Ray on this either." "This is fine."  Dana smiles at Egon.  There was just something about him that Dana liked.  Sure he talked scientifically, and that no one would seem to understand him, but, Dana seemed to have liked it.

     As both Dana and Egon stared for a moment at each other.  Dana tilts her head curious.  His deep brown eyes, his deep brown fluffy hair, and his deep voice seemed to have attracted her.  Egon stared into Dana's beautiful face for a moment until he forced himself to snap out of it, "Ahem, so sorry eh, I'll be sure research on your Dream Dragon Case and the Draugar demon immediately." "Yes.  Well, I hope to see you around then."  Just as Egon was turning his face away Dana turns it back to her's with her hand.  She smiled and kissed the side of his face, and walked out of there in a jiffy.  Egon smiled shaking his head as he watched her leave.  He touched the side of his face feeling that it gone red...

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now