Joyful News

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   Three days had past as Egon and Dana spent more time together, basically going out on dates every single night to dinner.  Over the past days Barrett had examined Egon's habits, likes, dislikes, and what music he enjoyed listening too.  She never doubted him for one second, everything that made this smart and sweet man, was all she wanted.  One day, Egon had taken Dana out to the park and proposed to her, she had cried agreeing.  The two of them had become a real couple, although, they didn't have a wedding. At least not yet. Dana, was Egons fiancée, and he was Dana's fiancé.

  Dana moved into Egon's apartment, she gets settled in and they sat together on the couch in front of the fireplace near the TV, talking about pasts ghost the rest of the guys busted.  For example Dana's favorite ghost she loved watching them bust, was slimer and the 3 ghosts of Christmases past, present, and future.  She laughed remembering the time when the rest of the guys had been funny to her.  Spengs told Dana about when he used to be a straight A student in college but then Peter's comments got him kicked out along with Ray.  

  "I'm still sorry that happen to the three of you." says Dana.

"It's alright, we created this job anyways, and it's still going strong.  Besides, were thinking about hiring more people. Perhaps making a community of Ghostbusters to help the whole city or world. Ha, at least that's what we're thinking about in the future." he replied.

  Dana nods her head, she puts her hair up in a pony tail.  Clumsily on purpose, she puts her feet up next to Spengler's face, she laughs as he turns his head pushing her ankles away.  Finally he gives up as both of her feet were on one side of his shoulders.  She puts her arms behind her head.  Egon shook his head with a chuckle,

  "You remind me of my cat, she was always climbing up to my face and she would put her paws right on my shoulders," 

Dana smiles,"What was your Cats name?"

"WinterPaws, she was a white that had blue eyes, she's was a sweet and kind cat." he said

"Aweee, you know, I used to have a puppy that was named Cinnamon.  He was a smart dog for listening, he would always come back to me or my parents whenever we called his name."

Both Egon and Dana smiled at the same time, they looked down at the ground blushing.  They seemed to have some similarities with eachother.  Looking into the fire, she puts her legs down and instead pulled them up towards herself.  Dana looks over to Egon as he started to doze off, she chuckled as she turned out the light that was next to him, all was left was the blazing fire in the fireplace...


 It was a bright and early morning, the birds sang in the Wintry morning.  Snow lightly fell in the sky. It was only a week before Christmas, and everyone in New York was hurrying to get last minute gifts and presents for their friends and families.  Taxi's honked in the streets, and people yelled at one another just how New York has always been during busy times of the year.  

  Egon had been asleep in bed when a loud excited scream woke him up from sleeping.  Alarmed he looks over towards the bathroom, he quickly puts on his glasses, Dana was standing there in her Pj's with her hands over her mouth.  

  "What's wrong?" Spengler asked concerned.

"Nothing at all Egon, there is only good news..."

"What is that?"

Dana throws away the pregnancy test behind her,

"Your going to be a dad!"

"OH MY GOD!!!" Exclaims Egon with full surprise, she comes over and hugs him in bed. For the first time in all his life, Spengler had always loved to spend time with children, but this was going to be different.  He had to tell the rest of the guys but Dana told him that it wasn't quite time to tell them just yet.  He gets out of bed and gets dressed and she changed clothes as well.

   They went down to the Cafe and order coffee.  Sitting at a table across from one another, both didn't seem to know what to talk about, especially after what Dana had told him.  

"Can't I just tell Janine? I mean, we're very good friends on Job terms." he begged

Dana smiles rolling her eyes,"Alright, you can tell Janine, but you have to tell her to keep the baby a secret.  Otherwise, I wouldn't want you to tell anyone else that includes Winston, Peter, and Ray."

  Egon nods his head, just as they were going to talk about boy and girl names, someone walks in the cafe....

  It was Walter Peck, what was he doing here? Why was he here? Anyhow, he came over spotting Egon with Dana as he walks over with a straight and stern face.  Walking over to their table, he began to speak as he stopped in front of their table holding a file,

"I'm sorry to interrupt your date, but I'm afraid there is something I must speak to you about.....Doctor Spengler."

Egon rolled his eyes,"What do you want?"

"Oh I don't want anything, the U.S. state secretary wants to do something.  According to this file I received from the White House written in hand by the secretary, says that I have the authority to confiscate and demolish your lousy business,"

"What?!" Dana cried upset.

"Yes Ms. Barrett, I have total permission, but there are two options, either I bulldoze your stupid Ghostbuster business building, or, you sell that building within a month, but take your money to somewhere else out of this city along with your idiot friends including Venkman."

Egon crossed his arms,"Well Dana...looks like  me and my friends have to make the choice with the Peck-man,"

 "Foureyes," Walter shot back.

Egon laughed but Walter growled as he slammed the file on their table, Dana jumped as Egon did the same, Walter raised his voice,

  "I don't care if you make fun of me or not, either I destroy your building or you sell the building within a month!"

He left the file on the table and stormed out of the cafe.  Dana sighs shaking her head,

 "So much for Joyful News..."

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now