Scared to Death

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(This Chapter Idea is dedicated to JSummer86 I just want to say that your Idea was the best and I hope to get more in on your Ideas for this Story! :)

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(This Chapter Idea is dedicated to JSummer86 I just want to say that your Idea was the best and I hope to get more in on your Ideas for this Story! :). -Thor Ragnarok-Buster )



Dana arrives back at her apartment that night. She takes the elevator up to the floor where her room was. As she exited the elevator, she quietly past Louis Tully's door. Until she finally unlocks her door and enters he apartment room. Setting her heavy bags on the ground, she enters the kitchen as she got a cold bottle of water to drink. Sipping the water as she sighs audibly. It was a hard day working in the office.

  Dana Barrett had been working on writing books, studying the Occult, and reading on Ancient Draugar.  She turns on the showers as she turns to look at herself in the mirror.  Studying her reflection for a moment, she notices her eyes flare up red.  She gasped almost tripping.  When she looked at herself again, her eyes were perfectly normal. 

     The hot water showered upon her neck and back.  Her eyes closed she shook her head trying to calm down.  Raising her head up, she let the water splash onto her face. 

  After she got out of the shower, she puts on some PJs and wraps herself in a fleece red robe.  She sat on her couch putting her glasses on to read her favorite book before going to bed.  Of course, it was titled,"Ghostbusters -You Can't Beat Gozer Alone. by:  Dr. Raymond Stantz and Dr. Egon Spengler."

  After reading a few chapters which seemed like ten, Dana finally had to force herself to sleep.  She closed her book up as she went to brush her teeth. 

Climbing into her bed, she places the book on her nightstand next to her lamp.  Turning out the light, she slowly falls asleep:


Dana finds herself walking down this long and creepy looking hallway.  As she took another step, she felt something make that foot go down more.  The floor crumbles below her, she screams trying to run back but, the Great fire dragon flared up as it roared in her face.  Dana screams as the floor crumbles as she finally fell through.  Great!  Just Great!  Nothing new!  She hits the hard ground with a THUD.  She curses under her breath as she tried to stand up. 

She stands up as she was in a unfamiliar environment.  The ground had glowing green cracks all around.  Dana gasped as she turns around to see the Fire-breathing Leviathan.   Its eyes were flaming as its claws were blade sharp.  It flies around Dana circling her and circling her. 

   "NO PLEASE STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY!" Yells Dana crouching down in fetal position.  The Dragon roars as it lands in front of her.  It snorts out smoke from its nostrils as its eyes cooled.  She shook frightened and speechless as she mouthed,"Oh my god. " The Dragon didn't want to see her breathing, and Dana knew it.  It growled at her flaring its hundreds of teeth like a crocodile.  It was a hideous and scary looking dragon.  Dana tries to stand up but the Dragon swished and flicked its tail, it hits Dana making her fly a couple feet.  She slams to the ground with a BANG. 

  Dana coughs, nearly on the verge of tears,"Why? Why me?" She looks up to see The Fire-breathing Leviathan approaching her with a roar flying in the air.  Dana closes her eyes muttering to herself, praying,"Please wake up, Please wake up, Please wake up Dana PLEASE!!" The Dragon was approaching closer and closer as its eyes flared up in flames along with breathing fire.  Dana does the Cross ,"Father son Holy Spirit." She pleaded to wake up before the Dragon got closer and closer.


Finally.... She woke up screaming. She was sweating, hot, and felt dizzy.  "That son of a Dragon Bitch!" Dana wiped her sweaty brow as she was both angry and upset.  She placed her stressed sweaty hands on her face with a sigh.  She starts crying immediately, sobbing.  She pulls the covers off of her bed and makes her way into the bathroom to wash her face.  But again, she still was absolutely horrified and scared.  She rubbed her face a couple of times, even though she was still crying.  She had to call someone.

  Dialing the Phone at 1 in the morning she crossed her fingers hoping it wasn't going to be Peter. To her Luck, it wasn't Peter, it was Dr.Raymond Stantz. 

  "Oh, hi Ray, may I speak to Egon please?  Its Urgent."  Ray replied slightly sluggish and tired,"Yeeah (yawn) sure thing Ms.Barrett..." You could hear Ray yawning as he passed the phone to Egon.  Dana felt slightly terrible that she'd woken them up.  Egon was now on the line as he answers the phone almost in his normal tone,

    "Dana? What's going on?"

   "Its awful!  The dream again! Just like the same as always!  The Dragon tried to eat me!  Gosh I was so scared Egon, I can't even sleep anymore!"

   "Calm down, do you know exactly what happened?"

   "I was walking down a long hall until the floor began to crumble.  I turn around too see the Fire-breathing Leviathan you were talking  about!  Then the floor collapsed as I was in this unknown and strange environment.  I look up to see the Dragon roaring and snarling with those flaming eyes!  I literally had to pray to wake up!  Or else it would've gotten me."

   "I can tell your crying because of this, I can hear you over the phone,—but that's not the point."

  "I'm so sorry for waking up all up because of this..."
  "Its no your fault Dana, you didn't even wake Winston or Peter."

   "So what am I going to do now?"

Egon pauses to think of something to say.  Then, smart as he was, he offers Dana,

  "How about if I'd come over to check you out—AHEM! Excuse me, to check your behavioral patterns as you sleep.  It would be considered a test I could run."

   "Um, in other words?"

  "To also come over and protect you from the Dragon, Ms.Barrett, to protect you also."

  "Well uhm, I don't see a problem.  Thank you so much Dr. Spengler!  When will you be over?"

"Let's just say 15 minutes at the most."

" Ok thank you, bye..."
Dana hangs up the phone with a sigh and smile.  She had someone whom was willing to protect her.  As if she were Lois Lane and HE was Superman...


Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now