Walter's Game

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   Egon arrived back at Ghostbusters HQ, he heard arguing and yelling when he walked into the garage.  He saw Winston, Ray and Peter arguing and screaming at one another while Janine hid  as she peaked over her desk seeing Egon.  She hid back under her desk as Spengler marches over towards the guys in the back.  Peter was about to punch Ray in the face as Winston was about to strangle Peter.  All of them yelled and yelled until Egon Screamed,


His screaming scared all three of them.  They stopped fighting as Egon huffed with rage, 

"You all are acting like a bunch of idiot's right now!"

Everyone was silent, he continued,

"I heard about the news as well, Walter Peck is trying to play a stupid game of chess with us, and so far he's taken his first move.  It is making you all going mad.  We're not crazy people you guys!  We're scientists! That goes for you too Winston!"

Winston puts his hands up as he backed away from Peter.

Egon marched forward to Peter,

"Our leader  is going to have to think of something to get us all out of this mess, NOT by fighting and arguing!"

Peter cleared his throat,"First off Spengs, I don't know what to do!  So you standing here trying to be the helper of the group isn't working.  Why don't you make up the plan Genius?"

Egon rolled his eyes,"If I thought up a plan, it would be too risky, Venkman you've gotta listen too me!  If Peck wins the game we're all going out of business...Venkman...please."

Egon had pleading eyes as Peter sighs, he rubbed his face over and over, then he yelled out of complete frustration,


He kicked one of the proton packs that laid next to him on the floor.  The pack beeped as Ray spoke picking it up immediately,

"Peter don't kick the Proton Packs! The hell you think your doing?!"

  Peter Venkman storms out of the room and stomped upstairs.  Ray sighs as he puts the proton packs into the lab.  All was left was Zeddemore and Spengler.  

"I'm sorry Egon, we just can't seem to figure out what to do.  The only solution I have in mind is speaking with the mayor, maybe he could change the form that Walter Peck has.  Then we don't have to sell the building." says Winston wisely.

  Egon sighs sitting down in a chair in front of a table.  He looks up to his good friend Zeddemore,

"Losing this job could cost us everything.  We may not have enough to pay for our apartment homes. This puts us in a bad spot, I don't know how I can help Venkman,"

  He rubs his eyes under his glasses stressed out,

"I don't know what to do..."

  Winston came over like a good pal and sits next to him,

"Hey man, you can figure this out.  You're the smartest guy we know here, and finding the solution to the problem is your main thing to aim for.  When your down and kicked with mud all over ya face, you just gotta keep pushing through it man.  You need to find a way out, maybe if you keep trying, you can still help us win back our ghost bustin' business."

  Egon sighs, "Very good sagacious thing you said there.  Although, I'm not sure if I can really achieve that goal."

Winston shrugs his shoulders,

"Whatever "saga-something" means, that means you.  You're the brains of this team, and you have to help not only Peter, Ray, and I, but Janine and Louis.  Melnitz and Tully are living together in an apartment home they have to pay for, and this is the only job they have,"

  Egon nods his head as Winston spoke gravely,

"I swear, if you give up right now Egon.  You'll be letting your teammates down.  I know Peter is the leader and the mouth an all but, your better than him.  The last thing I want to see is you walking around with Dana without a job.  You wouldn't want that would you?"

  " did you know we were t__?"

  Winston interrupts,"I see you guys everyday together.  Now that's not the point, I'm telling you, if we don't have a solution to this building selling thing within the next month...we are going to be livin' on the streets like scumbags!"

  Zeddemore gets up and leaves walking out the door.  Meanwhile Egon sat there lost in his thoughts after the things Winston had told him. They had to have a real meaning, something to get him going.  If he really wanted Egon to do something, he would've talked the way he talked with him just a few seconds ago.  He was talking sense into him, Egon actually liked that.  It gave him the idea of someone kicking the sh*t out of him to think rationally.

  Egon placed his hands in the pockets of his white lab coat.  He walked off to the front where he saw Janine stacking papers and getting ready to leave work as well.  She looks up to him with a friendly smile, then he decides to come over and talk to her.    He pulled himself up and sat on her desk looking down at the ground.  Janine looks over seeing his darn adorable eyes under his glasses.

  She rolls her eyes with a chuckle,

"Alright, what is it now?"

"Well...after stopping them fight I wanted to tell you something about me an Dana."

Janine had her elbows on her desk looking up to him,

"Go on, you can tell me."

"You have to promise not to tell anyone though,"

She smiled noding her head,

"I understand, I won't tell a soul."

Egon cleared his throat,

"Dana and I...are expecting a baby.  We just got the test result and I'm going to be a dad."

Janine clasped her hands together with a big smile,

"Oh my gosh that's wonderful!  So your planning to tell the other guys when the baby is born er?"

"Probably around when it will be born, but, yeah!  First time I'm going to be a dad..."

  The two of them went silent awkwardly.  They both had there heads turn away with disappointment and a little bit of sorrow.  Egon scratched the back of his neck as Janine looked down at her nails with a straight face.  He looks back to her with somewhat remorse.  When he looked at the ground again Janine turns her head to look at him.  She felt a bit odd as she rubbed her arm feeling a bit sad as well.

  Janine clears her throat,

"Well, I must be off, it's getting a bit late now."

"Right." says Egon adjusting his glasses.  He stands up to walk away but then he turns to say one other thing,

"Um, Janine?"

"Yea?" she replies.

"Can we talk together sometime tomorrow? Alone, I'm not trying to sound weird or anything.  It's just, I have that regretful feeling."

Janine nods her head slowly,"Same me at the coffee shop near the HQ at 7 AM.  Goodnight Egon..."

  She walks past him holding her bags and purse. Egon sighs as he hung his head in silence...

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now