Egon's Story

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(It has been a god damn long time since I updated this story lol welp, here ya go!)

... It was the next morning when Dr. Spengler and Ms. Barrett went over to a Coffee Bean.  They ordered Fraps as they sat across from each other at a table. The two of them were silent at first but, after a little bit of thought, Dana spoke, "Have you been in contact with your friends lately? Like Ray...Winston...Peter?" 

  He looks to her tilting his head,

  "Yes, Winston has been researching on Marine Biography.  He's interested in joining the Navy.  Ray, he's been keeping steady, working for Ghostbusters and his Occult book store.  Peter, well, you know Peter he's been on his own just trying to help out Ray and excetera,"

  "What about you?" Dana asked softly.

"Helping you with your case.  Nothing else.  I've simply just been reading books or researching information." Egon replied with a shrug.  

  She looks to the ground nodding his head.  Having a lot of thought about the guys meant very much to her.  Knowing that some of the guys had other jobs, she had missed there Ghostbusting.  But, at least one of them was nice enough to help her out with her terrible case.  Dana favored Egon slightly. 

  Spengler kinda had the same thought but, with more confusing ways of it.  Even though he had nothing to do except lookup Stock Market prices or experiment on fungus, he had a case to work on for a client.  A client that had become a great friend.  Not to mention she kissed him already surprisingly.  He didn't mind.  

   Dana turns to another subject,

"Egon have you've ever dated anyone?"

He shook his head, "No, and I'm not sure if I would consider this as a date but, usually I'd be married to my work.  I never have time for relationships usually but, this isn't bad,"

  "You mean you've never had a crush on anyone at school?" She asked blown away.

  "One, and she's currently our receptionist who's now married to Louis Tully,"


Egon nods his head, he took a sip at his Frap, then he explained the story,

"I was a soft-more in Highschool.  We all were me, Peter, Ray.  I was walking down towards my next class when I hear a cry from down the hall.    Although I couldn't see who made the sound as I continued down the walking silently holding my books in my arms also wearing my heavy backpack,"

 "As I was walking up to my locker to put my books inside, I found where the sound had come from.  Inside my locker, so I find that there was this young freshman girl crying inside my locker.  And apparently someone had locked her inside making her feel scared.  'Help me please!' She cried out to me.  So, I quickly unlocked my locker,"

  "When I opened it up, she accidentally fell on top me but, I had caught her in my arms as she was embarrassed.  'Im so sorry Egon.' She said apologizing to me. 'No, it's okay Janine, if they try to threaten to do that again to you, I'll talk to them myself.' Said I.  And so we became best friends afterwards,"

  "When I graduated from Highschool, me and my two friends went on to get a career in psychology and parapsychology at Colombia University.  Until then, I never saw Janine again for a very long time.  I had also forgotten about her as well.  For I was too busy in my work along with Peter and Ray.  Just then, when we got kicked out of the university years after, we created Ghostbusters. Ghost eliminators and exterminators,"

 "When Janine showed up for the interview to be receptionist, I had hardly remembered her then sadly.  For Venkman was interviewing her and I was busy with an experiment on my own.  Although, when she got the job she flirted with me lots of times but, I was very much wrapped up with the problem of Gozer and ghosts.  As I told you, I'm married to my work,"

 "After we defeated the Stay Puft Marshmallow man, Janine met Louis, for he became our Tax Attorney, Accountant, and Lawyer.  But to be honest with you, I don't really believe he would be a good Lawyer.  Anyhow, Janine fell in love with Louis and now there married.  As for me, I thought it was great for them.  Now, I sit here and work my days away in a lab or at a desk."

  When Egon finished Dana had imagined everything inside her head.  She really enjoyed Spengler's somewhat life-story.  Although it was sad for her to hear that Janine had turned him down for Louis Tully.  She knew Egon Spengler wasn't such a bad person, nor was he shy, but, turning him down for another guy is pretty messed up.  Dana sipped at her frap finishing.  Then she held his hand suddenly,

  "I'm sorry that Melnitz didn't marry you."

He shook his head,"It is all fine Dana, she deserved him.  And I'm here helping you."

  She smiled at the table blushing.  Just then, the two of them stand up in unison as they paid the bill and left to go back to Barrett's Apartment...

                                                                         . . .

  As Egon and Dana walked on the sidewalk down to the apartment, the both of them had their hands in the pocket of their winter coats.  For it was now getting cold outside as they made way across the streets.  Light snow began to fall as they made way past 3rd Avenue.  They walked side by side as Egon spoke adjusting his glasses,

  "It's quite chilly this morning isn't it?"

Dana nods her head,"Yes, but, the snow is beautiful."

  Egon had a slight smiled as he looked to the sky seeing the lightly falling snow.  It was indeed beautiful.  When they looked at eachother the exact same time, they were dead silent.  Staring into one another's eyes.  Mesmerized by one another, Dana was about to speak but, she was lost of words.  It was almost like they were both in a trance.  Just then,

  Spengler touched the side of her face gently, she was quiet.  Then, Egon slowly kissed her on the lips...

 Snow lightly fell, as the two of them break away from the kiss.  Dana, smiled softly as she walked off into her apartment, leaving Egon Spengler to walk back to Ghostbuster HQ.....

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now