The Test

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*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* went Dana's apartment door.  She opens the door revealing the scientifically dressed Spengler.  Wearing a white lab coat, a grey vest, black jeans, formal shoes, and a red tie. He shook Ms.Barrett's hand once again.  "Sorry I took an extra five minutes, Ray needed help on our bill to pay for the building." "That's alright!" "Let me bring in the equipment, where you sleep?" "Over in that room." "Okay, thank you."

  Egon went out to his car as he rolled in his "Spectral Brain Analyzer" on wheels, rolling it into her apartment room.  Them he goes back down to get what is called the "Gamma Rate Meter" along with a "KUD Meter" and his "Giga Meter." He comes back up to her apartment room as he closed the door behind him.   "I really appreciate you doing this for me, it has been quite frightening the last couple of nights."  says Dana.  "Well, I'm always here,"

   "So I'm just going to put these censor's on the temples of your head, is that okay?" "Yes, of course." Spengler then rolled the Spectral Brain Analyzer next to her bed that connected to the brain censors.  "I, will be monitoring you and your sleep while I write down anything unusual or not normal I would say.  If one of my meter's lights up, any one of them.  Then that means a apparition or Ghost is either haunting you, or haunting inside you.  I know this may be weird for someone to be watching you sleep but, I will mostly be focusing on writing down your results and if, your Dream Dragon might attack you again.  In that case, I'll try to wake you and try anything to, um, save you."


  Dana had fallen asleep in bed with the censors at the sides of her temples.  Egon quietly turns on the Spectral Brain Analyzer, the screen turns on as it mapped out Dana's brain.  He quickly wrote down on a clipboard what he saw on the screen.  Spengs then, looked over to his meters as they were all on and normal, so far, everything seemed to be normal.  Suddenly without knowing at first, Dana's arm twitches. 

 Then her other arm twitched as Egon looked up furrowing his brows.  Dana's head turned to the sides back and fourth when  she started to say,"No Please!  Stop Please!  Let me go!"  Egon swiftly looked up at the screen as her brain started mapping all RED.  

   "L-LET ME GO!" screamed Dana twitching and curling up into a ball.  Egon got up but then he hears ALL of his meters go off beeping, lighting up red, and sounding an alarm.  Everything started to overwhelm him.  "PLEASE!  I BEG YOU MERCY PLEASE!"  cried Dana as sweat beaded down her forehead.  Egon runs over and held Dana's hand saying,

 "DANA!  Wake up!  DANA I'M RIGHT HERE! Dana wake up please!"  Though she was stuck in her head and couldn't get out.  Egon looked back to his Giga Meter as he runs back and picked it up,"1113?"

   He looks up and then ran back over to Dana in her bed as he held his Giga meter over Dana,"Holy Spores! 6666?!"

   Egon had to do something, this test was getting out of control.  He looked around trying to think fast,"Damn it Egon, THINK!  Fungus! That's it! The slime blower!"  Egon runs out of Dana's apartment room as he went down to get his slime blower from in the car.  He slung the heavy Slime blower onto his back and trudged his way back up her apartment.  Dana who was still afraid she was dying, screamed more and more but saying,"PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!  DO ME INSTEAD PLEASE!!" When Egon hears this, he runs up into her apartment more faster and down the hall opening her door.

    When Egon opens the door, he took his Slime blower gun out.  Dana was crying with her eyes still closed as she still laid and moved around in bed, "TAKE ME INSTEAD P-PLEASE!" she said sobbing.

   Egon comes back into the room and blasted the slime blower onto Dana.  Her eyes open as she shrieked awake as the slime got all over her, dripping with goo.  She looks over to Egon,"W-what?"  Spengs lowers his gun and sighs,"You're partially possessed Dana, the only way I could've saved you was to blast you with this ectoplasm.  I'm S__." Dana cuts him off as she kissed him on the mouth.  Egon, surprised by this, rolled his eyes.  Dana looks up at him,"I'm sorry, but, you're a life saver!" 

   Egon smiles,"I just came to help.  I still need to figure out how to get the apparition or entity out of you.  You get partially possessed at night," 

 "I assumed it might've been that?" asked Dana flicking off the slime onto the ground. Egon explained,"I believe it might've been Draugr trying to possess you.  Though he can take form in any shape, size, or form.  Like the dragon that's been trying to kill you or anyone else you vision.  He is sort of a shapeshifter, very terrifying yes but, he can take your life.  The only way I could probably help you is to do research on trickery, mischief, death, and Draugr.  I honestly don't know how to stop it but, I'll have look into this most deeply." 

 Dana sighs staring at the ground with her arms crossed, she looks over to a clock as it was:

 4:30 AM

  She looks back to Egon,"I can't fall back asleep so, could I get cleaned up an maybe we could get coffee?"  Egon looks up from the clipboard,"Well, I suppose we could, I'm just not sure about these test results.  There kinda making me panic a little."  Dana grabs Egons hand,"I know you can help me.  Your the only Ghostbuster that can."  Egon lowers his clipboard as he still held Dana's hand, he sighs,

  "Fine, but I really should be doing more research on this."

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now