Spengler's Old Ex-Girlfriend

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  It wasn't until the next morning when Peter, Winston, and Ray were out on a call.  Meanwhile, Egon was busy working and researching on the case for Ms. Barrett before Christmas day comes by.  Now, as he was busy researching on his computer, he comes across something very strange.  When he typed up information on the Scandinavian Draugar.

  He comes across the norse word Draugr which mean "again-walker".  Spengler assumed it might've been a very special Draugr that was haunting Dana's dreams in different forms.  Now, as he took down notes on paper, he turned around in his swivel chair to a bunch of books where he flipped through them quickly.  He looked around for the word Draugr in his book of Tobin's Spirit Guide but finds nothing.  That's when he decided to take a break.

  Going over down to the kitchen he grabs himself a Twinkie. Just then, Janine comes in speaking in her Brooklyn accent,

  "Someone out the door is waiting for you,"

"And who could that be?" he asked.

"It's a lady with big curly blonde hair.  She's wearing a white dress and big white earings."

"Must be Peter's date." Egon assumed.

"No, she's not here for Venkman, she's here to see you."


  Just then, walking through the door, Egon turns to see the most beautifulest woman.  She wore a white flowy dress, white heels, her big, curly, golden hair, her ambitious deep brown eyes.  Her red lips pursed, as her lashes were long, and her skin and face was pale.  She walks through the door looking over to Spengler with a small smile.  Although, he sighs as he scratched the back of his neck nervous.  Turns out, it was his old high school Ex-girlfriend.

  "Daisy? W-What are you doing here?" Egon asked confused.

Daisy had crossed her arms looking up to Egon,

"Well, my boyfriend Zane had broken up with me.  I came by here to see how you were holding up with this, exterminating business."

  Janine  had already left back to her desk.  Egon avoided eye contact with Daisy.  He seemed a bit concerned of her why she was here.  Although, Spengs had knew something was going on because, why would Daisy come back to him after her boyfriend broke up with him?  The fact that Egon hadn't dated since Highschool was very much a while ago.  Of course, there were some times where he was young and stupid with Ray and Peter.

  He obviously didn't know how to react.  Nor did he know why Daisy was really here to see him.  He looks back to the time and then at the ground still avoiding eye contact.  Adjusting his glasses he finally spoke again,

 "Daisy, why are you really here?"

She tilted her head with a smile,"I was hoping if you were still the same smart single guy I kissed in Senior year."

  Before she could do anything Egon put his hand up sadly,

"Listen Daisy, that was 8 and a half years ago.  I'm married to my work. Besides, I'm simply already trying to help a friend.  She is in desperate need of my help and I cannot be distracted right now.  I'm sorry, I would love to date you again but I can't.  Not when a friend needs my attention and help. Besides, she likes me anyways,"

  Daisy looks to Egon surprised and shocked,

"Who is this friend  of yours?"

"Her name is Dana Barrett, she is suffering from a dream dragon that haunts her in her sleep.  I'm trying to do research on Scandinavian Draugar and what kind exactly is haunting her.  Now, if your looking for a date I suggest you go to my friend Dr. Peter Venkman!"

  She pulled him by the tie up to her face,

"I will not love anyone else Spengy.  You need to get your head straight! She is your friend this Dana person!  Not your princess.  I AM YOUR PRINCESS!"

His brows furrowed angrily,

"Daisy, I told you, Dana Barrett is a friend that likes me and that I want to help.  I have to help her or else she'll die!"

  Daisy looks to the ground sadly, as a tear streamed down her face, she lets go of his tie as she turns her back to him.  She covers her face from crying as Spengler turns away feeling slightly guilty.  He really liked Daisy but, his heart was more focused upon Dana, and he couldn't afford to loose her.  

 She turned back around as she approached him again.  Swiftly, she pulled his tie again and she kissed him on the lips without warning.  Just as they were kissing, Dana Barrett walks through the Ghostbusters garage and HQ watching Spengler being kissed by this blonde haired woman. Her smile turned to an envious frown as she turned and left the HQ immediately.  Egon pushed Daisy away from himself.  He runs after Dana shouting,


Dana turns to face Egon swiftly,

"You already seem occupied Doctor Spengler, I shouldn't really interrupt you,"

She turns but Egon  got her attention again,

"Dana, what you just saw wasn't real, I didn't mean to do such a thing it was her! Just an old girlfriend it wasn't meant to happen!"

Dana brows furrowed,"Well I do hope your right, because you better get back to work... Doctor."

She got inside a taxi cab and left Egon Spengler walking back to HQ where Daisy had a seductive smile with her arms crossed tightly.  Before Spengs could even go back to work and research on his client's case, Daisy came around  behind him with her hands on his shoulders, she whispered into his ear,

 "Why dontcha bang me like high school eh Spengy?" 

Egon bursted angrily,


Daisy backed away scared and terrified.

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!" Egon yelled at her.

Daisy runs off crying as Spengler exhaled exhaustingly.  Janine peeped over to him wondering whether she should go over to comfort him or not. But, she knew how he would react, when she walked over to her desk he heard him sobbing,


She turns surprised,"Yes?"

"Can I hug you?" He asked wiping tears from under his glasses.

Janine smiled,"Oh, of course ya big baby."

And so, Egon, 2 feet taller than Janine, walks over and hugs her tightly as more tears fell down his face from under his glasses.  Janine Melnitz rubbed his back,

"Don't worry Egon, you can make Dana remember the man you were before!"

Egon smiled,"Thank you Janine..."

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now