Help from Janine

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                    (This may be the most heart-warming chapter... I love it :))

   Egon Spengler had read his books of his own past.  He learned that his ancestor dealt with mystical magic of the universes.  He lived in the New England town of Nass Burg in the 18th century.  In 1742, Zedekiah turned to the occult in order to refill the dried up town well with magic.  Experimenting in musical incantations, he accidentally conjured a Genius Loci in the form of a dragon.

  Loci regarded Zedekiah as his father. He had to deal with Loci when he began to steal goats and pigs from neighbors to present as gifts. Zedekiah rearranged his incantation and sent Loci into a state of suspended animation.  In the Spengler Family, Zedekiah was looked down on as a black sheep, outcast, and lunatic for embracing the occult instead of science. Egon never mentioned him to the Ghostbusters before out of shame. Centuries later, the Ghostbusters utilized his journals to send Loci back to sleep. Egon then came to accept that Zedekiah's work had some merit of it's own. 

  Zedekiah (also written as Tzidkiyahu) was also the name of a biblical character, who was said to be the last king of Israel before the destruction of the kingdom by Babylon.   An interesting coincidence considering that Egon likely has a Jewish family background.  According to his own journals, Zedekiah created the Dragon by accident. And it was only about the size of a horse.

   When Egon has closed the book, his eyes dart up towards the clock.  Still looking over into the main bedrooms, he finds Dana and Marty still very much unconscious on the ground.  It was total chaos for his brain.  He had to think of something,  so he moved Dana and Marty's bodies far into the back behind the farthest bed.  Just then, Ray calls up to Egon,


Oh god, what should he say?

"Yo!" he replied.

'Ugh, sh*t pickles...' Egon thought in his head.

  Ray came up to the main bedroom level and asked of where Spengler's clients were.  He lied to Ray saying that they left the back door of the place.  Usually, Egon never lied but, apparently he thought of himself as Venkman right then.  Stantz nods his head and told him that he was leaving for the night and asking how much longer he was going to stay at the GB HQ.  Egon told him a few hours, then, Ray handed him the keys to the garage door of the Firehouse.  

  When Raymond Stantz left the building, the only people that were left in the whole HQ were Janine Melnitz and Egon.  Janine was busying writing and scanning papers for all the places the boys went during the day.  Egon peeped from above, then slid down the pole with his white lab coat, to talk to Janine for a few minutes.

  Janine stacked the papers neatly on her desk,

"Why are you stayin' here so late?"

"That's what I was going to talk to you about," Egon began,

"You can tell me anything." Janine smiled kindly.

"Okay, so, my two clients are still here, but, they are kind of unconscious right now.  Mr. Mcfly and Ms. Barrett.  They're still here and I shifted them behind the far bed so Ray wouldn't see right?   Well, I read through some books and about my far off ancestors, and, I'm kind of in a deep hole that I can't figure out how to get out of.  I mean, what would you do if both of your clients are in the same problem at once?  I must not be as intelligent as I thought I was."

  Janine tilts her head as she looked to him with a concerned face,

"If your finding yourself in a deep hole, then asking for help would be your last choice.  Haven't you gone through all your variables to getting yourself out?"

Egon crossed his arms,"I have tried everything, if I did something that was dangerous in stopping the draugr, it might cause the lives of two clients to die.  I don't want to risk being arrested for killing them when I am trying to save them."

   Janine raised her eye brows in surprise,

"Well, if you really care about yer' clients, especially for Ms. Barrett, have yeh really asked yourself if you tried everything?  And when I mean 'everything', I mean the different ways you could still help them without harming them. "

  He looks to Janine with a chuckle, he shook his head,

 "I would be a terrible lawyer, trying to argue with you."

Janine giggles, "Alright, listen' here genius, if Dana Barrett and Marty Mcfly are under a possession or spirit, they would be drawn to a source of energy.   That energy leads to dangerous things, I've read in your Tobin's Spirit Guide that the Draugr can only be defeated of ones pasts.  Your ancestor, Zedekiah, was a wizard in the eighteenth century that not only drew in Loci the dragon, but with out knowingly, he also drew in the dead.  Many rose from their graves as souls and ghosts that are to haunt the living for thousands of years,"

  "The only way you would be able to save your two clients, is if you used this..."

Janine puts her finger on his chest, then up to his forehead,

" Not this..."

"But...why exactly?" said Egon softly.

Janine stood up in front of him, she gently held the side of his face,

"Dana loves you Egon, and Mcfly is a kid who reached out feh-help.  To dig  yourself out of a deep hole doesn't always have to come from the mind.  No matter how intelligent yeh are, doing what is right doesn't mean there is one answer.  There can be many.  You may seem lost and frustrated, but, you won't find the answer within your brain,"

  "You find it within your heart..."

  Janine steps back with a sigh, she goes to pick up her bag and keys.  Then, she walks out of the Ghostbusters HQ leaving Egon, entranced.  

Egon Spengler x Dana BarrettWhere stories live. Discover now