Chapter 1-Mr. Gorgeous

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Jasmine pours some hot water over the tea bag in her office, on the fourth floor of the prestigious St. James hotel, and sighs for the hundredth time that day, her hand threading through the loop of the tea cup handle.

Carrying the teacup and saucer back to her desk, she leaned back against the desk, staring out through the wide windows overlooking the London eye and Big Ben with the river Thame flowing through central London–the perfect backdrop to camera-wielding tourists.  The brilliant blue sky and humid sun beat down on the unique architecture, and large green trees reflected brightly in waves of heat. 

The view made it feel like she was living in a postcard. 

She took a sip of tea.  The normally refreshing warmth of English black tea was rich and smooth on the tastebuds.  Staring at the dark rose-red liquid she found it lacked the effect it normally did on her.  She sighs again, setting down the cup of tea and rested her head against her hands. 

The day of her sister's wedding just one month ago haunted her. 

Usually it was the first born to head into matrimony but fate had different plans. Turned out, the baby of the family that tied the knot before her older siblings. Jasmine was middle child with an older brother– Zayn and her baby sister, Camelia. Unlike she and Zayn, Camelia knew what and who she wanted from life at a ripe young age. Jasmine was happy for her. Truly. It just had her looking at her own lonely life. Except for one particular event stood out in her mind. 

Mr. Gorgeous aka Cristiano Russo–the Italian heartthrob she met at the wedding who came along and fell from the sky. Seeing him for the first time descending from the helicopter while she was tucked safely high above the highest tower in the castle her sister was married in was somewhere between a dream and reality. 

Her thoughts flash back to the day.

"Expecting someone important?"  Jasmine asks, her eyes glued to the newly landed helicopter looking out into the field and narrowing her eyes to get a closer view of the occupants.  The ignition is shut off and the rotor blades slow and quiet. 

A figure gracefully eases out of the helicopter's door and jumps out.  It was a man.  Even from their distance they could tell he was incredibly handsome.  Tall, dark and dressed in a black elegant suit. 

The mysterious man slicks back his black hair and adjusts his suit, striding off the helipad. 

Jasmine releases a slow whistle. 

"For the first time in my life I'm impressed."   Jasmine says softly.  "Who is he?" 

"I can't remember his name..."  Camelia murmurs.  "All I know he's Italian," she adds, "he owns several winery's and shipping businesses that span the globe."

"Hello Mr. Gorgeous."  Jasmine purrs.  "I've heard Italian's take lessons in kissing."

Camelia laughs.  "Yeah right. Could this be the guy you've been waiting for to fall out of the sky...?"  She said.

Jasmine silently contemplated what her words meant and it dawned on her then and there. She asked her sister to include her in her wish before blowing out the candles of her birthday cake months before.

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