Chapter 9-The Cougar

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Jasmine finalized her daily tour of the hotel with her assistant parting ways and entering the lobby. People bustled about, walking into the elaborate entrance and waiting around lounging in chairs or standing around with their luggage and backpacks.

Early morning light crept through the windows and doors, lighting the entire grand lobby and making the chandeliers sparkle beautifully. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet tinge of flowers floated by her nostrils.

It didn't take long for her to feel a presence behind her as if she was being watched–or followed. She barely resisted the urge to turn her head around and scan the area for anyone suspicious. Finding herself starting to turn, she snapped her head forward. For some reason she knew it was a masculine presence.

Either she was paranoid or she definitely felt someone's eyes on her. Discreetly she checked her surroundings. She saw no one taking particular notice of her. Tightening her hands around her clip board pressed firmly against her chest she approached the reception counter and stepped behind it and in front of a computer screen.

Several of the employees greeted her warmly as they stood at their stations accommodating guests for check-in. 

Discreetly, she searched faces, as she continued pretending to type on the keyboard. If anything, that feeling of being watched was no worse, closer, and more intense mounting her frustration to a point of a boiling thermometer.


Jasmine straightened her back, her entire body on alert. For a moment her ears peaked.  It was as if someone was calling her name. It was more like a strangled whisper. 

Darting her eyes left and right, she noticed no one paid her any attention.  Shaking her head and blaming her paranoia on her over active imagination she decided to send a quick email to the employees warning of the influx of guests that were expected that weekend. 


This time the voice was closer.  She stopped typing and looked up practically jumping back as she came face to face with Sammy who popped out of nowhere with a stricken look on his face.  With a hand on her pounding heart, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly.  It took her moment to process the shock and surprise. 

"You scared the hell out of me Sammy!  What's wrong with you!"

"Can I hide in here?" He asks in a rush.

Not waiting for a reply, Sammy hurries behind the reception desk and ducks like a little child and hides, crouching on his legs.  He was dressed in his Samuel clothes–pink Polo shirt and dark slacks with a sweater draped over his shoulders and knotted over his chest. 

Jasmine suppressed a smile when she spotted his old man loafers. 

It's been four days since Sammy transformed into Samuel and he was playing his part in stride.  His days were spent at the gym working on his muscles and his nights drinking martinis and listening to Madonna behind the closed doors of the penthouse. 

They made a point to go out in public the last few days, grabbing lunch or taking walks around the city.  They visited the Queens castle just two days prior and the London Tower where Sammy was caught taking pictures of the Royal jewels by the queens royals guards.  Jasmine warned him it wasn't permitted and were warned no phones or cameras were allowed. But No, Sammy went on and took pictures with his phone like the little sneak he was.  He snapped about a dozen before he was caught.  He looked like a child caught stealing cookies from the Queen's stash and apologized profusely. 

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