Chapter 24-The Wedding

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Cristiano stood before the mirror, giving his tie a tug; then checked the cut of his vest in the mirror.

He'd lost his temper and still winded by his outburst and his choice of punishment for her. 

Threatening to kill her friend and forcing her into marrying him was no way to make her fall in love with him.  It was not the way he wanted this to end with only a mere week before her brothers arrival to the castle. 

But it was her punishment for denying him.  He hadn't expected her to be such a tempting little firecracker who tested his patience like no other human being has ever dared. 

Now they'd be joint at the hip.

Her name next to his on a marriage certificate.

It was a notorious fact that he liked women–loved them.  He just never thought he'd marry one. Ever.  He was fairly content in his life.  A comfortable home, enough money to last a century.  He had friends, led a good life.  Why on earth would he ruin that with marriage, he wondered briefly. 

Because you wanted her as your own, his conscious reminded him.  In very way possible. 

Cristiano twisted his neck, cracking the joints to relieve the stress.  He'd made up his mind.  She would be his wife.  His only one ever and he had a feeling, from the bottom of his black soul, that he was the one who was doomed when all was said and done. 

According to the reports brought to him, his bride's progress was coming along slowly.  She was quiet and sullen and proving to be difficult in her transformation from prisoner to bride, lacking the gusto any other woman in her shoes would have been.  It appeared the process was a painful one for her and the women involved watching over her. 

But it was the only way to ensure her cooperation. 

A perverse side of him enjoyed the prospect of her as his bride.  She'd make a good princess.  Yasmina had a loyal and pure heart and he was sure, if the turn of events were different, she'd make a Princess like no other.  She'd rule beside him and make his country proud. 

Mateo burst into the room disturbing his thoughts.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Highness? The servants are readying the ballroom for your wedding?"

"Yes." Cristiano answered with a careless shrug as he was helped into the navy blue coat of his tux by his personal tailor who stood there assisting him as he dressed. He slipped his arms into the sleeves and shrugged it on.

"You're marrying that, that prisoner?" Mateo asked in outrage, pacing the floor.

"Don't be indecent, Mateo." Cristiano warned. "She is to be my wife and the Princess of this country. I'd tread with caution before you say something disagreeable of my bride."

His right hand man flinched, then fell silent, staring at him in disbelief.

"She's changing you. Her presence here is softening you. Where is the Cristiano I know?" He argued. "Where is the man who calculated every move before making it? What about Sofia?"

Selecting a cologne from his expensive collection, Cristiano turned on him, his gaze hardening.

"Don't bring Sofia into this. My bride is paying a dear price for defying me. Her brother will be here in a few days. Nothing has changed. The plan is still on course."

Mateo stopped pacing and met him eye to eye. "Don't go through with this. You're making a big mistake. Marrying the girl who sole purpose is to bring her brother here to pay for his sins against Sofia will turn against us." He warned.

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