Chapter 27-All Saints' Eve

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Jasmine was miserable.

A passing server dressed in a tailcoat, walked around carrying trays holding glasses of champagne.  She snatched one as it passed by her.   Raising it to her lips, she nearly drowned the entire glass. Dressed in a red hot dress that clung to her upper body and hips, flaring at the knees to her shoes, she felt like a seductive siren for Halloween or as the Italians call it, All Saints' Eve which was held every November first. 

Her eyes swept over the grand ballroom. It was dimly lit with candles, decorated in orange, black and spooky displays of jack-o-lanterns, mummies and skeleton attractions.  Music flowed from the stage with a full band and leading singer.  The food display roamed one end of the wall to the other.  Men, women, and children dressed in colorful costumes while enjoying the games and festivities of the night. 

Jasmine knew not one of the invitees but she was sure many of them were from the town located along the outskirts beyond the castle.  The excited voices grew louder as did the laughter when jugglers appear to entertain the guests and throwing tricks in the air. 

Jasmine sighed, standing in the shadows watching it all with a heavy heart.  She sensed a guard closely watching her every move.  He was trying to be discreet, but she noticed.  Cristiano probably ordered she be watched in case she got a wild idea of escaping.  Her so called husband was standing across the ballroom, having a conversation with a circle of men dressed in uniforms.  She guessed they were his officials from the looks of them.  They looked to be conducting business instead of enjoying the festivities. 

It was two days when they left from their honeymoon.  After the day of their display of hot passion and his confession, they were distant and occupied different areas of the house.  He didn't say much during their brief stay and barely spared her a glance.  Jasmine kept to herself occupying her time reading or taking long walks.  They never mentioned what happened and avoided one another like they both held a disease the other was afraid to catch. 

It was fine by her.  But the long days and even longer nights when they shared a bed were exhausting and tense filled.  They occupied the ends of the bed and never said a word.  And when it was time to leave the cottage and go back to the castle, Jasmine sat stiffly in front of him while he rode them back.  Unlike the other times, Jasmine slipped from the back of the horse before Cristiano dismounted and assisted her down. 

They took their separate ways in the castle.  She to her new room, and he, making a straight line to his office.  It was then one of the maids informed her of the Italian celebration due the next day.  Jasmine was stunned to learn it was already November.  She had been held prisoner for a little over two weeks. 

It felt more like months. 

Her head spun with the realization.  According to the date, Zayn should have been back from his getaway.  She was positive, Zayn must have found out she was missing, he would have contacted her when he made it back into town.  Jasmine wondered if Cristiano had learned of the news.  He never mentioned anything about her brother and it wasn't like he would tell her anything to begin with.

The phone she cracked across the tile floor was the only way to communicate with him.  Jasmine was positive it wouldn't deter him.  He could have easily had it replaced and pretended to text on her behalf like he did with her parents.   Knowing her brother was left vulnerable and at Cristiano's mercy, a coldness she couldn't shake off made its home inside her.

She finished the glass of champagne quickly and dropped it into a servers empty tray and picked a fresh one by another passing tray filled with glasses. 


Jasmine stiffened for a split second before she recognized the voice and turned around. 

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