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Flames are everywhere and engulfing everything in hot firey rage

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Flames are everywhere and engulfing everything in hot firey rage. The hair on her skin singes and burns with every slow calculated step she takes towards the flames.

She doesn't know why she walks towards them all she can think is that they're calling to her; like a mother singing a sweet lullaby to their child excpet this lullaby is dangerous.

The orange and red flames are bright and seem to dance everywhere. She can't see where she is all she can see is wall after wall of hot burning fire.

The flames seem to wrap around her throat like a tendril and drag her down into an abyss of chaos and burning embers. Her scream gets caught in her throat and all she can do is watch as everything around her is slowly destroyed.

Destroyed by this never ending flame. A flame that will engulf everything leaving nothing behind but blackened ground and haunting souls. Souls of the people the fire claimed. Souls of the lost who will never gain peace; who will never see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Eleven year old Rowan Fray screams and screams until finally she shoots up in bed. She looks around frantically but sees no flames.

Her mother and father swiftly run into their young daughters' room.

"Oh darling what happened?" Her mother cooed slowly stroking Rowan's hair as Rowan shakes in her arms.

"A nightmare," Rowan mumbles keeping her eyes in her lap as she fiddles with her fingers.

"Oh sweetie it's okay everything is alright," Her dad says sitting at the edge of her bed holding her hand.

"No It's not, you didn't see it; mom, dad it was horrible!" Rowan cries.
"Everything was burning and getting destroyed an-a-and all I could do was watch as the world ended."

"Ro honey, there is no flames and the world is not ending," her mom says taking a breath. "It was just some silly nightmare."

"But it wasn't just a silly nightmare mom! Rowan snaps picking her head up and turning to her mom.

Seeing the look of surprise and hurt on her mom's made her shrink back a bit.

"I-I-It just felt so so real, like I could really feel the flames licking my skin seeing so many lost souls I couldn't help. All this destruction and chaos, it was so scary," Rowan says as tears slowly cascade down her tan cheeks.

"Oh my dear Rowan," sighs her father "it was only just a dream you'll be fine. There is no destruction or chaos anywhere okay, just a house with a family in it living safe and sound."

"Okay," Rowan says toying with her fingers again.

Her parents lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead and walk out.

Rowan had stayed up that night thinking about the words her father said not able to get it to stop resonating in her conscioussness.

Safe and sound
Safe and sound
Safe and sound

Her fathers words made her feel very uneasy an she cogitated the words. Slowly and carefully turning them over and over in her head.

Were they really safe and sound or would those flames really come and take everything that Rowan holds dear to her heart?

Well that was a very short prologue hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget to vote and comment. Goodbye my lovelies.

~xoxo gossip girl😘

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