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The car slowly pulls up to an abandoned building and Rowan looks at it in confusion

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The car slowly pulls up to an abandoned building and Rowan looks at it in confusion. "What is this?"

It's our headquarters, don't worry you'll both be safe here," John says as he stops the car.

"Yeah so safe until the building collapses on us," Rowan mumbles to herself. They all get out of the car and head inside. Clarice and Rowan sit down on a couch and talk to a women who introduces herself as Sage.

Rowan leans forward on the couch getting completely lost in her thoughts.

"Shit, what the hell did I just do?" Rowan mumbles to herself looking around frantically trying to see if anyone saw. She briskly walks away, constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure no ones following.

She was so distracted she didn't realize she ran into someone. Rowan gasps and backs away from the woman holding up her fists.

"Woah, hey I'm not going to hurt you," the woman says holding her hands up in surrender. "You look like you could use some help, I'm Lorna."

Rowan looks at the outstretched hand and shakes it. "Rowan."

Rowan quickly shakes her head and looks up just as Clarice gets off the couch. Sage looks at her in concern and puts a hand on her arm. "Hey are you alright? You spaced out on me."

Rowan looks down at her hand and shakes it off. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just going to go." Rowan gets up without another word and walks away from her and towards a set of stairs. She sits down and rests her head in the palm of her hand.

Someone sits down next to her but she doesn't pay them any mind until they start talking. "You never told me what the nightmare was about."

Rowan looks over at Clarice and purses her lips, "It doesn't matter anyways. It was just some silly nightmare no big deal."

"You sure? You seemed pretty freaked out when I woke you up," Clarice asks placing a hand on Rowan's lower arm.

Rowan turns away from her and moves her arm so Clarice's hand is no longer touching her. "It's nothing really. I'll tell you if it gets bad okay?"

Clarice nods and stands, "Okay."

Rowan let's out a heavy sigh and leans her head against the railing. She closes her eyes and drifts away into the nothingness that is her mind. She lets her self go as she finally relaxes from the nights events. Her mind and body were completely still and she was peaceful.

That peace didn't last very long and she started seeing images flash behind her eyelids. Images of Lorna being detained, her family dying right in front of her, the flames and chaos of that night, her capture and being taken to the mutant detention center.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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