CH-6 Mate!

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The dinner was delicious. I got the chance to eat dishes, I never heard of in my life. Even though I hated to admit, dinner was better than the car I wanted to win.

Alexander didn't give me a single glance throughout the dinner. Ava couldn't help but be sad that her mate didn't even aknowledge her as a mate.

I stood up to thank the King and queen, "I loved the dinner, thanks again for such a wonderful opportunity. I'm glad I was able to meet you both."

"You don't need to thank us, you won the draw and you were awarded. I loved to meet you." Queen gushed as the King gave a nod.

"I feel so fortunate to meet the future rulers." I smiled at the brothers. Nick gave me a handshake while Alexander just stood there, his face devoid of any emotions.

I felt like crying, my wolf whimpered. He made it feel like I was nothing to him, as if he wasn't affected at all.

I turned and headed straight out, not giving him another glance.

I was just about to get into the car when a strong arm grabbed my arm and turned me to the person

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I was just about to get into the car when a strong arm grabbed my arm and turned me to the person.

Nick grinned at me, his brown eyes filled with amusement.

"You really are his mate, aren't you?"

I shook my head and tried pulling my arm out of his grip.

"He is, and you can't change that. Alex is just closed up since his first mate died five years ago." He stated pulling me back. Realization hit me as my face held a frown.

"I'm his second chance mate?" I asked.

He chuckled, "At least you accepted that he's your mate."

I huffed and was about to go back to the car when a familiar face came in my sight.

That man....

That rapist....

The driver of the limo I came in was no longer the same, this time it was that rapist. He smirked when he saw I was looking at him.


Samuel killed him...

I took a step back and my head hit a hard chest. Nick looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"What happened? Are you fine?"

My breath hitched as the memories of that night rushed in. I began panicking, my heart beating at hundred miles an hour. Black dots covered my eyesight as I struggled to breathe.

"Breathe, you need to breathe now!" Someone yelled in the background.

"What happened to her?" Somebody growled.

"I don't know, one second she was fine and now she's having a panic attack!"

Somebody pulled me up bridal style as tingles erupted down my arms, wherever our skins touched. Relieved to be in my mate's arms, I let darkness to consume me.

 Relieved to be in my mate's arms, I let darkness to consume me

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I was met by blinding white light as I opened my eyes. A bad headache made its way to my head as I looked where I was.

The room was large and luxurious. Maybe I was still in palace. Suddenly memories came rushing to my head.

The driver..

That rapist...

My heart started running again as I thought of the events. Samuel killed him, how could he survive.

My eyes flew to the door as Nick entered.

"You feeling better?" He asked, concern filling his eyes.

I nodded as I tried getting up, "Wait! You need to rest, Alexander wouldn't be happy." He pulled me back to the bed and adjusted the covers.

"I don't care what he feels, I just need to go back home and not in that limo." I stated.

"Why not in that limo?"

"It''s.." I started but couldn't explain myself.

"So Alexander wasn't the reason you had a panic attack?"

"No, why would I have a panic attack because of him?" A frown made his way to my face.

"Funny! He feels he's the reason you fainted." He chuckled.

"Like I said before, he doesn't have anything to do with me and I don't have anything to do with him. I want to go home!"

"Okay, stop whining! I'll go and talk to him then you can go." He left before I could comment anything else.

After a few minutes, a very angry Alexander made his way into my room.

"You are not going anywhere!" He made himself clear.

"That's my decision to make and I decide to go home." I stated, looking straight into his violet eyes.

"Whatever! I made the decision already."

I pulled the covers off and got up from the bed, "You are nobody to decide for me." I glared at him and made a move to grab the door handle.

Tingles erupted on my hand as I glared at his hand on me and then at him.

"I am your mate!"

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