CH-9 Mate?

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Hello readers!
Thoughts on the new cover?
The beautiful cover has been made by the talented girl Vampire_Writes who also happens to be my close friend ❤️
Good news: TLD has reached #91 in werewolf with 300 reads.
Merry Christmas to u all!!
Luv u!


"Hey how about I give you a palace tour and then we head for lunch?" Alexander asked, getting up and pulling me along with him.

"I want to use bathroom first and I want to change this dress too." I replied looking at my red dress which was now wrinkled.

"Fine, you can change into my clothes for now. I'll tell the maid to buy clothes of your size tommorow." He stated as he made his way to his closet and tossed a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt my way.

I quickly headed to the bathroom and slipped in his clothes. The T-shirt reached till my knees, successfully covering most of my legs. The sweatpants kept slipping down my legs and since the t-shirt was coming till my knees, I slipped out of the sweatpants and exited the bathroom.

As I entered the room, I was met by Alexander's back. I couldn't stop my eyes tracing his back muscles which bulged out from his tight t-shirt.

Dirty pictures that Ava send me of Alexander, made me feel hot in certain places of my body.

"Are you done?" As Alexander turned to face me, I quickly straightened my composure.

"Can I use your phone please?" I asked. I wanted to inform the Anderson family about what happened. They would be worried where I was.

"Oh yeah why not?" He pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

"You want to call Anderson family?" I nodded at his question and dialed Samuel's number.

"Hello" Samuel's voice boomed through the phone at the fourth ring.


"Jenny! Where the fuck you are? Where were you all night?"

"I-I am still in the palace. Can you come here meet me? I can't talk on phone." I pleaded.

"I'll be there in ten, okay?" Samuel replied.

I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me. "Yeah fine."

I turned to give the phone back when I was met by a very angry Alexander.

"Who the fuck is Samuel?" He growled, his violet eyes turning darker.

I don't know why but I felt the need to calm him. So I placed my hand on the left side of his chest, where his heart was. Next moment, I could feel his body relax under my hand.

"He is Mrs Anderson's son, my brother." I reasoned.

Alexander looked up and his eyes were  back to their usual violet colour.

"That's fine." He whispered and next moment I found my back pressed on his front, his nose on my shoulder.

My wolf couldn't help but feel happy looking at Alexander's possessiveness. It only meant that he cared about us.

"He's coming?"

I nodded, "He'll be here in ten."

"Fine let's head outside then." Alexander whispered before pulling me to the room.

"But I need slippers or shoes, I can't walk bare foot!" I whined and began looking for my heels, atleast I wouldn't have to walk bare foot.

I gasped as next moment I found myself Alexander's arm, he carrying me bridal style.

"You don't need to walk barefoot. I'll carry you." He whispered in my hair as I tightened my grip around his neck.

"Your speed astonishes me. An average werewolf does not have such an extraordinary speed. Are you vampire or something?" I asked.

He chuckled as he shook his head, "I'm not a vampire, I'm just a hybrid." He stated, still chuckling to himself.


"Story for another day babe!" He winked at me as heat crept to my face.

"Story for another day babe!" He winked at me as heat crept to my face

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I saw Samuel's Sandy brown wolf sprinting towards us.

"Put me down." I whispered to Alexander who shook his head.

"Put me down!" I yelled in his ear and next moment my bare feet met with cold ground.

I grinned at him as he glared at me.

"Wrong move Jen. Be ready to bare the consequences." He whispered in my ear as I shiver ran down my spine.

He raised an eyebrow at me as if challenging me to answer him. I gulped and turned my gaze to Samuel who had changed into a t-shirt and sweat pants.

"Jenny what the fuck happened?" Samuel searched my face for answers and then looked at Alexander.

"Who is he?" He asked, giving death glares to Alexander.

Next moment, a strong muscular arm was wrapped around my waist as my side was plastered to Alexander.

"Alexander, Royal Prince and her mate." Alexander growled as my hand found his back to calm him down.

"Mate?" Samuel questioned me.

I nodded and then turned to Alexander, "Can I talk to him in private."

Alexander shook his as I gave him a pleading look, "Alex, it's urgent!"

He sighed loudly, "On one condition!"

"After that you would tell me the reason behind your panick attack. You won't keep me in the dark."

Though I was still not comfortable in sharing that with him, I couldn't keep him in dark for long.

I nodded at him as I took Samuel's hand and guided him inside the palace.

I nodded at him as I took Samuel's hand and guided him inside the palace

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