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A Little bit of a key thingy...

" means talking (obviously)
' means thinking
(Means me talking

And I think that's it. Onto the story!

A knock at the door brought Megumi out of her nap. She yawned as she walked over to it and opened it.


It was a soldier.

"Excuse the disterbence, my lady. Is lady Euphemia here?"

"Euphe? No...I haven't seen her since a few hours ago....has something happened?" Megumi looked worried.

The soldier shook his head.

"No, my lady. Princess Euphemia has run off again's all. I'm sure she couldn't have gone far. Please excuse me." He scurried off in search of Euphemia.

Megumi closed her door with a sigh.

"Euphe...." She said walking to her bed.

"I'm guessing Euphemia is missing." N1 said reading a very large book. He had started it this morning and was about halfway finished with it already.

Megumi shook her head.

"Not exactly missing. She likes to explore and get into mischief. That's all. She'd never go anywhere too dangerous....I think....." She blinked for a second. "On second thought I think I'd better check on her."

She closed her eyes.

"Euphemia Li Britannia."

She said opening her eyes and seeing....Suzaku Kururugi?

'Strange...what is Euphe doing with Suzaku..."

Suzaku was wincing in pain as there was a....a cat biting his finger.

'Oh my.' Megumi thought giggling in her head.

"Oh my.." Euphe said, exactly as Megumi did.

They got a few bandages and sat down to wrap the cats paws.

"Do you have trouble with cats?" Euphe asked, finishing with the cat.

"I like them fine. However..." the cat hissed as Suzaku put his hand near him. "The attraction isn't mutual."

"I think kind love is a sign of a kind person." The cat ran away from Euphe and Suzaku. "Oh.....the kitty ran away.."

"Euphe? Why did you tell me that lie when we met?"

"Do you ask because you're conserned about me?"

Suzaku turned back to look at her.

"Huh? U..Um of course."

"Good!" Euphe grabbed his arm, pulling him up. "Then you can accompany me some more!"

"Alright." Suzaku said as he was being dragged.

"Com'on it'll be fun!" Euphe insisted.

'Oh Euphe. You really are a silly goose.' Megumi sighed.

She watched as they went around town, Euphe acting like the goof she is, and Suzaku laughing at her, making her pout at him.

"You know...being here is just like Britannia. I feel right at home." Euphe said.

"Are you from the homeland?" Suzaku asked.

"Uh huh. I was a student there up until last week."

"Last week? So what are you doing now? By student do you mean highschool? You can go sightseeing anytime can't you?"

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