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A Little bit of a key thingy...

" means talking (obviously)
' means thinking
(Means me talking

And I think that's it. Onto the story!

Ace watched as Kallen killed 1 of the pure bloods.

"Alright Guren Mark 2 move to plan point. We'll break through the rest of their line and take Cornelia." Zero ordered, maneuvering the Burai to head towards said point.


Many of the Black Knights were having a bit of trouble holding the enemy back.

"If we win this....we can call ourselves miracle workers." Ace muttered looking at all the havoc this attack was causing.

She noticed units attacking Cornelia's men. However...they were in a bit of a though spot.

"Maybe we should get Kallen over here." Tamaki suggested, hiding behind a rock.

"No. If we break formation now our plan is ruined." Zero replied looking slightly worried.

"Zero. Cornelia. She's under attack and it's not by one of our own." Ace interupted. She knew she had to get his mind off their current situation and get him thinking about the task at hand.

"Who is it?"

"It looks like the JLF."

"The JLF..."

"Yes. Looks like some of them got Burai and see what we're trying to do. If not then they have the same idea. Capture Cornelia."

"We can use this. They can hold off the royal guard."

Ace nodded.

"Ai sir!"

Ace moved from his lap to behind his seat. Zero looked at her.

"You need to be able to control this thing. Me in your lap will just get in the way. For now I'll stand here." She smiled and winked at him. "I'll be fine."

Zero nodded and turned back to the task at hand. He moved the Burai to plan point and watched as Kallen went head to head with Cornelia. He then fired at Cornelia.

"Can you hear me....Cornelia?"

"This is checkmate." Ace said smirking.


"Yes. Should we celebrate our reunion...of course you'll have to surrender to us first and after that...there are a few questions we need to ask you. And in case your wondering, your reinforcements won't get here in time."

"Looks like we win Cornelia."

Cornelia turned towards them.

"Who are you?"

"I got by Ace. I'm one of Zero's subordinates." Ace took a deep breath. "I do hope you have the answers we're looking for. Would be a shame if you didnt..."

"You're fools, Zero, Ace. "

Cornelia turned back towards Kallen.

"This one. If I take this one out I'm free and clear!" She announced shooting at Kallen who dodged and countered.

She destroyed Cornelia's lance. Zero fired at her gun, taking that out, too.

"Coward! Attacking from behind!" Cornelia was attempting to taunt him.

"Really. And your own attack methods don't show acts of cowardice?" Zero asked not phased in the slightest.

Cornelia grew silent for a while. Then she moved forward to attack Kallen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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