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A Little bit of a key thingy...

" means talking (obviously)
' means thinking
(Means me talking

And I think that's it. Onto the story!

Zero and a figure in red stood outside the Black Knights Base.

"Relax. You'll be fine." Zero looked to the figure who was tense, but had, at his words, loosened up a bit.

"I understand. But that can only ease my worries so much Zero. What if they don't like me? What if they hate me? What if they don't trust me? What if they trust you less? What if..."

The figure was interupted as Zero had lifted his mask enough to show his mouth, grabbed hers and did the same, and kissed her.

"Relax. Everything will be fine. Trust me."

The girl relaxed and nodded. A goofy smile forming on her face. Zero smiled and returned his mask to its proper position. The girl did the same.


They entered the convoy.

"Black Knights! Meeting!" Zero yelled.

A bunch of people filed into the room, all of them staring at the girl. She gulped and took a deep breath, taking her place next to Zero on a couch.

"Everyone. This....is Ace. She will be my right hand woman. Be kind to her and show her the respect you show me." Zero said.

The girl, Ace, stood up and nodded her head.

"Hello everyone. As Zero said you shall address me as Ace. I am happy to finally meet all of you."

"Aw great another one who hides their face!" One man said.

"Tamaki!" Another man scolded. He turned to Ace.

"I'm sorry for him. I'm Oogie. Pleasure to meet you Ace." Oogie said smiling at her.

Ace nodded.

"And you as well."

After that many of the other Black Knights openly accepted her. Ace smiled under her mask. Feeling appreciated for the path she chose.

Zero watch with a smile as Ace was welcomed with open arms.

Megumi opened her eyes with a yawn.

"Man I slept through class again." She muttered to herself, walking out the classroom to the student council room.

When Megumi got to the classroom, Suzaku was leaving.

"Hey Suzaku, Shirley, Lulu."

Suzaku grabbed her shoulders pushing her forward slightly.

"Come on. You're coming with me."

Megumi blinked.

"No. I wanna read in the council room. It's quiet in there."

"Nope sorry. You're coming with me." Suzaku repeated.

Lelouch looked up from his book.

"Suzaku. If she wants to stay, let her stay." He turned back towards his book.

Megumi smiled smugly at Suzaku, feeling she's won, and walking into the room. But Suzaku stopped her. He gripped her waist and heaved her onto his shoulder, taking off down the hall, Megumi screaming at him to put her down the whole while.

When Suzaku finally put her down they were a little ways away from the club room. Megumi glared at him.

"The hell was that for Mr. Soldier!"

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