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A Little bit of a key thingy...

" means talking (obviously)
' means thinking
(Means me talking

And I think that's it. Onto the story!

"I'm overjoyed Lelouch. They said you died when Japan was brought into the fold. What a blessing to have you back. We should depart for the homeland, immediately." Clovis said, nervously.

"So you can use me as a tool of Diplomacy. It seems you've forgotten why we were used as tools in the first place....."Lelouch said. "That's right. It's because my mother was killed. Mother held the title of knight of honor but she was a commoner by birth. No doubt the other imperial consorts held her in contempt. Even though you made it look like the work of terrorists, I'm not fool...You people killed my mother!"

Megumi's eyes widened. 'Clovis? Clovis had something to do with Lady Marianne's death?' She continued to listen.

"It wasn't me! I swear to you it wasnt!" Clovis yelled.

"Then tell me everything you know. The truth cannot be hidden from me, any longer. By who's hand was she slain?" Lelouch ordered.

"My brother...2nd Prince Shnitzle and 2nd Princess Cordelia...they can tell you..." Clovis reponded, but...he sounded....different.

Megumi pressed harder onto the door, straining to hear every word.

"They were at the heart of this?" Lelouch asked.

Clovis remained silent.

"That's all that you know isn't it..." Lelouch spoke.

"I swear it wasn't me! I had...nothing to do with it!" Clovis yelled out suddenly.

"I believe you....however..."

"Please! You cant! We may have different mothers but you and I are still blood!" Clovis begged.

"You can't change the world without getting you hands dirty." Lelouch said.

Megumi gasped out loud and fell through the door onto the floor. From there she could see a man pointing a gun at her head and Clovis staring at her in shock.


Megumi stared at the man pointing the gun.

"L...Lelouch?" She asked timidly, afraid that she was wrong, dispite what she heard.

Lelouch's eyes widened. "Megu..." He said before frowning and looking at Clovis who spoke.

"Megumi! My love! Tell him...tell him I had nothing to do with his mother's death!" Clovis was frantic.

Megumi glared at him.

"I know you had nothing to do with it...what I want to know is why....why would Shnitzle and Cornelia...why would they conspire against her...Cordelia adored her and Shnitzle never held any distain towards her..." Megumi walked over to Lelouch, who had once aging pointed his gun as Clovis.

"Megu....I need you to cover you ears and close your eyes. Can you do that for me?" He asked not looking at her.

Megumi stared sadly at Clovis but nodded and covered her ears and closed her eyes. She could hear a gun shot and winced. Lelouch sighed and put his hand on her shoulder. Megumi opened her eyes to see Lelouch blocking her view of Clovis.

"My...how I've missed you, Megu." He said hugging her. Megumi hugged back happily.

"As have I. I've missed you and Nannally terribly. I've never once believed you were dead. Never."

Lelouch chuckled and backed away from her. He could hear people coming.

"I have to go."

Megumi sighed but grabbed his arm and pulled him out the room. She dragged him down the hall and to a painting. She pulled it off the wall to reveal a medium sized passage way.

"Here. It'll lead you out the convoy without anyone seeing you. I...I don't want to lose you. Not again." She said stepping aside and looking back down the hall. "Go. Before someone sees."

Lelouch kissed her forehead. "I'll find you again...I promise." (Ooc Lelouch is Ooc//shot XP)

"So will I. Good luck. And....be safe." Megumi said smiling at him and putting the painting back on the wall. She sighed and took a deep breath. She began walking down the hall as if nothing happened when guards came running at her.

"Oh dear. Is something wrong?" She asked putting on a worried face.

One of the guards spoke.

"You're supposed to be in your room, my lady."

Megumi giggled. "Yes well. I was growing awfully bored so I decided to go see Clovis. I was just on my way to the control room."

The guards looked at each other.

"My Lady.....Prince Clovis....is dead..."

Megumi's eyes widened and immediately filled with tears. "No..." She said falling to the ground.

That night she cried.

Time skip to next day

Megumi stood beside Jeremiah as she waited for her turn to address the public.

"Prince Clovis has been taken from us. He fought for peace and justice against all of the 11s. He died a morter! We must all bury our sorrow and carry on his will." Jeremiah said clenching his fist. "He leaves behind his fiancé. Who will now address you all."

Jeremiah stepped down off the podium as Megumi took her place in his spot.

"Clovis was a good man. He was one of my dearest friends and if I'm being honest....I'm glad to have been able to get to know him. He was always trying to get me out of my room when we were younger. Trying to make me enjoy life as much as possible. He succeeded in making me realize life is not forever. So we must cherish what little of it we have. I only wish I could've spent more time with Clovis. That his time with us wasn't so short....I.....excuse me..." Megumi covered her mouth as she cried and walked off the stage. She went around the corner, where no one would see or hear her. She scowled.

"I'm not glad he's dead but at least I'm no longer engaged to him." She sighed. "I'm never thought I'd be glad for all those emotional controlling classes my mother had me take. Seems like some of her teachings will come in handy. I just hope Lelouch is safe. Where ever he is..."

Megumi looked up at the sky. Holding her hands to her chest as she sighed.



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