1~The Beggining

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Anyone on the outside would say he had the perfect life, he had it all; popularity, captain of the football team, good grades, a happy girlfriend. It was everything a high school student wished for, right? Perhaps not this one student.

It all started with her continuous begging and attitude, her being Lydia Barnwell, a kind girl, but perhaps not the perfect girl for him.

It was the last day before school opened back up again after Spring break, and the Lightwood siblings decided to have a movie night. The Lightwood siblings, plus Lydia that is.

They were half way through the movie when Lydia ran her hand up Alec's thigh, leaning in closely to whisper in his ear.

"Why don't we head upstairs" suggested the girl, slowly lifting the boys shirt to reveal skin.

"Let's just watch the movie, okay" Alec tried, moving her hand away

"When are we going to have sex, huh" she said quietly, running her lips across his ear.

"Will you two either get it over with, or quiet down and watch the movie" Jace turned around, having enough of the no so quiet murmuring.

"For once I agree with the doofus, it's been 2 months, what are you waiting for" Izzy interrupted, joining the conversation like she always does.

"Well, your brother is always saying how he wants to wait for the right time" Lydia mocked, clearly not seeing what the big deal is about waiting.

"Well if you ask me this is a good a time as any-" Jace cut in "I mean why wait what are you waiting for, just do it and then you will be the one complaining that this didn't happen sooner" Jace finished pointing towards his older brother.

Alec zoned out for a while not listening to the voices around him not caring one bit of what they were saying.

He just wants to blurt out how he feels, how he actually feels for the girl, or lack of feelings. They've never understood how he feels, why he always kept it a secret, and how everyone pretends that moment never happened.

I remember meeting this kid called Simon not too long ago, I had a bit too much to drink and blurted out everything I've kept hidden for years. That girls aren't really my specialty.

He still blames it all on Jace, it's all his fault he got drunk. He'd forgotten all about that night, until he encountered Simon the very next day and told Alec all that was said.

Out of nowhere he felt something warm crushing his lips, although his body felt like it was wrong. He didn't know what to do, he just sat there in shock, waiting for it to be over.

When she finally pulled back Alec looked around and realised that that neither of his siblings were in the room anymore. There was desperation in Lydia's eyes, like she could no longer wait.

So when she leaned forward, connecting their lips once again, he moved along with her. All these thoughts in his mind, wishing that someone would walk in, begging for it to be over. Of course, as always everything in his life doesn't go the way he wants.

So that's when it happened where his life was about to change. For the better? Who knows. And would he regret it.

Next chapter will be of Magnus' POV of what's happening in his life.

Re-edited: August 14, 2020

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