16~L's Garage

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Magnus was a morning person, so when he saw the clock flash 6:56am it wasn't a surprise. He rubbed the tiredness from his eyes and looked over to his left to see him, a smile instantly covering his face when last night came back to him.

Alec had his head resting on Magnus' shoulder with one of his arms sprawled over the boys chest, he'd never spent the entire night so to hear those adorable little snores was like heaven to Magnus.

"Mhm, morning" Alec mumbled when he felt the warmth of Magnus' lips on his forehead.

"Morning, how was your sleep?" Magnus pulled him in closer, embracing him in a tight hug.

"The best I've had in months" Alec told him, snuggling into him.

"You have such adorable snores" the boy said, smiling when Alec scoffed.

"I do not snore" he lifted his head to look down at Magnus, he only laughed pulling Alec down for a kiss to shut him up.

"I love you" Magnus mumbled against his lips.

"I love you too" Alec rested his head back where it was when he woke up "Do we have enough time for another round before school starts?"

"We're gonna gave to do this much more often before that baby of yours arrives" Magnus hinted they were gonna have plenty of occasions to do this again.

They may have gone more than one round leaving them running late, to which they had to do the walk of shame to Art class. They received dirty looks off their teacher that period, including everyone staring at them every now and again.

It had reached lunch now and Magnus went to sit down as his previous lesson was Calculas and he got to the cafeteria earlier than his friends. He went to eat a French fry when arms circled his waist, soft lips placing a kiss on the back of his neck.

"Hi" Magnus didn't have to turn around to know who it was "I've missed you" he told Alec as he sat down beside him.

"I was only gone one period" he laughed but found it adorable.

"Doesn't change the fact I still missed you" Magnus stated as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"No, no it doesn't" Alec shook his head with a chuckle, giving his boyfriend a peck on the lips "I realised something after this morning"

"Tell me" Magnus directed his attention onto Alec at that point.

"Well, with the baby on the way I'm gonna need a job, I mean I've looked up some things and it's really expensive and-" Alec began rambling worriedly.

"Hey, calm down" Magnus placed a hand on Alec's thigh reassuringly making him take a deep breath "What about working in Lana's garage, she told me there's a job vacancy"

"Do you think she'll hire me?" Alec asked unsure if it's the right fit for him.

"I'll put in a good word, plus she loves you, why wouldn't she hire you" Magnus scoffed, Alec has nothing to worry about.

"I mean, I guess I know a few things about cars...dad forced me to learn all about engines thinking it will get me to be more of a man" Alec rolled his eyes at what his dad thought could 'cure' him.
"I'd be happy to hire you Alec, it'd be a lot easier to get information out of you than my nephew here" Lana stated whilst she cleaned the oil off her hands with a rag.

"Thank you, you don't understand how much I needed this" Alec thanked her with a grateful smile.

"I understand how hard it must be" she said with a kind smile.

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