19~Graduation Day

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Disclaimer: Incase you don't understand what's happening in this chapter and why they're all graduating at the same time, no it's not because they're all the same age. I've decided some of them are finishing 6th form (year 12+13) which is optional for students in the UK, and the others are graduating year 11, and not going to 6th form.

6th Form Students
Alec ~ 18
Magnus ~ 18 1/2
Jace ~ 18
Raphael ~18

Year 11
Izzy ~ 16
Clary ~ 16 1/2
Lydia ~ 16
Simon ~ 16 1/2
Today was their last day as a St.Xaviers high school student, because in a few hours they will be graduating.

"Magnus Bane graduating? Honestly, I didn't see it coming" Alec greeted him that morning.

"Hey...I've worked real hard this year to be able to walk across that stage" the bit pointed out proudly.

"And I'm so proud of you" Alec told him, scooping him up into a hug, receiving a hum from Magnus as he rested his face in Alec's neck.

"I hope this isn't a 'it's okay you failed' hug" Clary's voice sounded from behind them, a hopeful look on her face when they turned to look at her.

"Does no one have any faith in me?" the boy accused of failing turned to look at his boyfriend.

"Well, Clary was the only one who was willing to ask" Simon stated standing beside the girl.

"And no, no faith whatsoever" Jace told him with a smirk, receiving a slap to the arm from his brother.

"I passed if you'd like to know" Magnus stated crossing his arms proving all of them wrong.

"I always knew you could do it" Clary held her arms out and embraced the boy in a hug.

"No you didn't" Jace scoffed to which Magnus shook his head, choosing to ignore it all.

"Have you all just been standing out here doing nothing" Izzy strutted over with a look on her face portraying how useless she thought her friends were.

"We were waiting on you" Jace bit back, she scoffed as she walked towards the entrance to collect her cap and gown.
"Magnus I swear to god if you're trying on a new shirt!" Lana exclaimed from the bottom of the staircase.

"People are going to be taking loads of pictures, I need to look good" Magnus yelled back pulling on a navy button up, posing in the mirror to see how he was looking now.

"You'll be wearing your gown, no one will see" as soom as she said that Magnus remember his cap and gown was also blue and it would not look good with his navy button up.

"Just a second" he mumbled under his breath as he reached for a simple white button up instead, rushing to button it up as he made his way down the stairs.

"You ready?" Raphael was leaning against the front doorframe waiting on Magnus.

"I'm here" he took a sharp breath in as he opened up his car, everyone slipping into their own seats. It wasn't that long of a journey to the school, they actually got there earlier than the recommended time.

Whilst Magnus was brushing down his gown after tugging it on over his clothes a honk of a car horn sounded, turning around he saw the Lightwood's-Lydia in tow of course-pulling into a parking spot.

"You look so cute" Magnus voiced as he zipped Alec's gown up for him, and centered the cap on his head.

"Shut up" Alec rolled his eyes, pulling his boyfriend into a short kiss.

When they pulled back the group was standing around just staring at one another unsure what to say, until Magnus spoke up.

"We all look stupid" he said making them all realise a laugh, something they'd all needed to let out.

"Sorry we're late" Clary rushed out as she approached them along with Simon.

"Someone couldn't decide what to wear" Simon hinted towards his best friend.

"It was very stressful" Clary chimed in, voicing her side of the story.

"Both shirts were green" Simon rolled his eyes, not having enjoyed the various amount of clothes he had to choose between for her.

"Olive and Sage are two very different colours" Clary pointed a finger at him to show how serious she was.

"Let's just..." Alec pointed over his shoulder at the entrance to indicate they should get moving.

They were calling out all the students name's, one at a time, which made it all the more nerve wracking. Every time you thought your name was going to be called out another 10 would be before you.

Raphael Santiago
Isabelle Lightwood
Lydia Branwell
Clarissa Fray
Jonathan Lightwood-Herondale
Simon Lewis

Finally Alec was next up to be called onto the stage, and his heart was pounding he wouldn't be surprised if it burst out right then and there. He felt a hand take hold of his which calmed him down within a second, he didn't need to look to know who it was.

"Alexander Lightwood" he made his way to the front, climbing up the side steps to the stage to collect his diploma, shaking all his teachers hands first.

He took a deep breath as he sat down finally, letting out a huff of a laugh as he looked over at his boyfriend who had a smile on his face. It wasn't much longer his name was being called out either.

"Magnus Bane" he thanked all the people he shook his hands with, and as soon as he got back to his seat he squeezed his boyfriends hand not believing he'd made it.

"Graduates, please rise" they all did with smiles bright as day "Move your tassels to your left" at this point everyone was anxiously awaiting "Congratulations St. Xaviers class of 2018, you ate officially high school graduates"

All the students cheered, throwing their caps into the air with the trill of finally being done with high school.

Now it was time for the next chapter.

Don't worry that's not the end I know it may have sounded like that but it isn't. I mean we gotta meet the twins first right. Anyways hope you all enjoyed and keep on reading. Xx

Re-edited: August 29, 2020

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