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Alec braced himself as Jace pulled up into the driveway harshly, when he felt the car stop he opened his eyes to see if it was safe.

"Next time, I drive" Alec told him, looking at the time "Shit, 2am" waking up is gonna be a bitch.

"Look at us, we're in good condition" Jace gestured to their bodies, pointing out the lack of damage.

Alec chose to ignore him, instead quickly ushering the boy inside quietly in order to not get caught. The entered the house from the back, debating who's gonna cross the room to switch the lights on, risking falling over and waking someone up.

"Jace please don't break anything" Alec whispered.

"Don't worry, I've got ninja like reflexes, I'm all go-" before he could finish, the sound of something smashing on the floor was heard.

"Jace?" he heard a hmm in reply "If I turn on the lights, please tell me that wasn't mom's extremely expensive lamp"

"You probably shouldn't turn on the lights then" Jace groaned at the end, having possibly stepped on one of the pieces.

A few seconds later the lights flickered on, then the sound of someone hitting the ground with a thump.

"Boys" their sister's voice came from the other side of the room, arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey, girls..." he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, not really wanting to be caught tonight.

"Jace?" Izzy called his name "I can see your legs, Jace" she said, obviously not hidden himself well.

"How's it going?" Jace grunted, picking himself off the floor.

"You're lucky mom and dad went out on a business trip, and it wasn't them who caught you sneaking in...at 2:00 in the morning!" she raised her voice after she realised the time on the clock.

"You know how it is...the distractions" Alec said, fanning his face feeling like it was getting hotter.

"But I suggested we leave after I started feeling like a third wheel" Jace stated without thinking, covering his mouth quickly after noticing.

Alec gave Jace a disgruntled look before turning to look at Lydia "I am so sorry, I got caught up in the moment and-" he made his way over to her, taking the girls hands in own.

And you didn't mean to kiss Magnus" the girl finished what she doubted Alec was going to admit to.

"What...no" Jace came over throwing an arm over Alec's shoulder, assuming the boy wouldn't be able to say anything.

"Why don't we sit down, yeah" suggested Clary, removing Jace from Alec's side.

Izzy helped her brother sit down, the boy was obviously nervous to speak up, not looking up at anyone in the room. They all sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but it was merely 5 minutes.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Alec" Lydia spoke up, breaking the silence in the room.

"What?" Alec managed to force out.

"We both knew we weren't going to last, I always knew there was something on your mind...and I guess now I know" she admitted, a kind and reassuring smile on her face.

"I should have told you sooner, I'm sorry" Alec apologised, looking up at the girl with guilt.

"Don't be, you were only being yourself by being with him" Lydia told him, a relieved smile captivating Alec's face.

"Thank you...for understanding" Alec told her, grateful about how calm she was, it could have been a lot worse outcome.

"Well I don't...dude, why didn't you tell me you were together?" Izzy punched her brother in the shoulder, however there was no anger behind it.

"Incase I'd get a coaster thrown at my head" Alec stated simply, directing all his attention onto Jace who looked away as soon as he said that.

Izzy gave him a disapproving look, and shook her head at the boy "Well, I for one am happy for you big bro" she said giving Alec a warm hug.
A couple days had past since the day everyone found out, and somehow the entire school knows he and Lydia have broken up, making him comfortable to walk the halls with his boyfriend hand in his own. They received a few strange stares, mainly because the day before it was Lydia beside Alec.

It got to the end of the day on Friday and all the friends planned to hang out, but everyone was leaning up against their cars except for Magnus.

"Let me go look for him" Alec pushed himself off the car, walking off to look for his boyfriend.

"Dude, he's probably all right" Jace yelled after him, not convincing him to stay back.

"Can't hear you" He yelled back, walking on forward.

Alec found himself on the second floor after searching the first floor without seeing the boy. He rounded the corner to see something that scared him to death, Magnus was pinned to the ground as they threw punches at him.

Alec didn't even have time to think before he ran forward, throwing his own punch at the person who fell on his back. He didn't stop there, he kept punching and screaming "Don't you ever touch him, I'm gonna kill you" Magnus tried pulling him off, however he knew how once Alec had his mind set on something there was no chance of getting him to stop.

"Alec! Stop!" Jace's voice come from behind tugging on his shoulder to get him off, next thing he knew he was being held back by Jace and Simon.

"You've got much rougher than last time" the guy who he was previously beating stood up with a hoarse laugh, wiping the blood from his lip.

"I'll show you rough!" Alec exclaimed, launching forward but was held back by everyone.

"No apology, I think you broke my jaw" he held the side of his face, a crunch was heard when he moved it.

"You deserved it" Alex grunted, a look of pure hate on his face "Hurt him to hurt me, was that your plan?" he asked.

"Hurt you? Who is this guy?" Jace asked what everyone was wondering.

"I'm hurt, did you not tell them about me Alexander" he faked how hurt he was, a hand placed over his heart.

"Don't you dare call me that" he hissed, it felt like posion hearing him speak his name.

"I've never seen you in my entire life" Izzy grunted, barely holding herself back.

"Should I do the honours, clearly you're not going to admit anything" he didn't even wait for Alec's answer, finding it all the more amusing if he ignored him "I'm Jonathan Moregernstern, your friend here knows me all too well" he looked the boy directly in the eyes causing him to storm off, leaving everyone with him.

I'm sorry about that terrible ending and the whole beating up Magnus thing. But was it really a surprise Jonathan showed up, he's the bully in all the story's pretty much.
Anyways thank you once again for coming back and reading, hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Xx

Re-edited: August 18, 2020

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