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The best part of life was living it to the fullest. Whether you're an adrenaline junky, a thrill seeker, do whatever makes you scream.

For Mangus Bane it was throwing parties for everyone, it was something everyone would enjoy. Especially the getting drunk and hooking up with people you'd hardly remember the next morning.

Perhaps throwing a party the day before school started back wasn't the best idea he'd had, but can you blame him.

His parents moved him away to Texas for years, and he finally convinced them to let him move back, promising not to fall back into old habits.

After his parents moved him away he tried everything to forget about his old life, so he started partying. Soon enough everyone would kill to be invited to one of Magnus Bane's epic parties.

And now that he's back in Los Angeles he's decided to bring that tradition back to his old home. He likes to think that he's popular, well he was in Texas, and he's making his presence clear back here.

He's moved in with his aunt Lana, his parents would not move back, not loving the lifestyle some people choose to live, and they aren't the most accepting of those.

He's just like everyone else he goes to school just like everyone one else, gets good grades just like everyone else, but somehow he ain't like everyone else because of a special quality he has.

But that's for a later discussion, right now he has a party to host. He sat down on the huge black couch with a few girls and boys around him, he didn't pick favourites. Although if it came to it he wouldn't turn away a tall guy with black hair and blue eyes.

Like always when that thought comes to his head he has to walk away and shake off the image. Luckily a voice called his name, a good distraction at least.

"Don't pretend like you didn't hear me" said a small voice. Magnus would know that voice from anywhere.

When he turned around, he wasn't that surprised to see the petite red head he's kept in contact with over the years.

"Biscuit" Magnus wasted no time, as he gracefully rushed forward to embrace the young girl in a hug.

"It's so good to finally see you in person" Clary sighed, excitement flowing through her.

When they pulled apart he realised the young girl hadn't come alone, there was a pretty fairly hot guy stood behind her.

"And where has she been hiding you?" Magnus inquired, circling him like a shark would with it's prey, he could sense the nerves radiating off the boy already.

"This is Simon" she pulled Simon to get, getting Magnus to stop with the soon to be interrogation "my best friend" she enunciated the word friend, making it clear to Magnus there's no need to get all protective.

"Um...nice party" Simon replied, trying to break the ice, as he clapped Magnus on the back, instantly regretting it.

"Thanks" he said coldly to Simon "So why is it now am I hearing of this so called 'best friend' of yours?" he asked.

"Oh don't be getting jealous Mags, you know that that you are my favourite" she whispered that last part.

"You knew I'd be able to hear that" Simon said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, he went away for a while, so when it came to our facetimes he was never around for you to meet him" she couldn't remember where he'd gone.

"I went to visit my boyfriend's parents in Spain, we stayed there for about a month" Simon finished for Clary, knowing the reason she stopped.

"Boyfriend??" he was intruiged, but soon changed his words when he saw the look on Simon's face "Don't worry I don't have anything against it, I'm actually into both myself" he reassured the boy, and was thankful to see Simon's facial expression change to happiness.

"Well it looks like you to are getting along quite well" Clary said, seeing that the conversation was flowing relatively well.

"So what's this boyfriend of yours called then?" he asked, wanting to get to know more about this young boy in front of him.

"Raphael- Raphael Santiago" Simon answered, a smile taking over his face as he thought about the boy.

"I'm gonna kill him" Magnus scoffed "you know how many times I've told him about my love life, and he's told me zilch about his and here standing before me my brothers boyfriend" he said in a angry tone not that he really was though.

"Wait What!? You're Raphael's brother?" Clary asked, shocked by the news she's  heard.

"Well not biologically but we might as well be. We grew up together, we took care care of each other when our parents were never there." he told them

"So you're the magnificent brother I hear about often, I knew you looked familiar" Simon told him, he should have put that together sooner after all the pictures he's seen.

"Obviously there's a lot to brag about" Magnus said directing to his own body.

Magnus looked over at the speaker that someone just turned up, so he suggested they go outside to talk.

"So...now that there's no one lingering around, anything you two want to get off your chests" Simon clapped his hands together, falling back onto the grass.

"Well not me, but I do know Magnus has his eye on some guy. He's been going on about him for the past few months after finding out he was allowed to come back here" Clary answered for him, knowing Magnus wouldn't spill his secrets on his own.

"I never said that he was real just that he was something I was looking for in a guy" Magnus admitted, the smile on his face giving away any indication that it was only in his imagination.

"Okay...wanna tell us anything about this guy that may or may not be real" Simon laughed along with Clary, who sat beside him.

"We met when we were younger, he had such dark hair that sometimes used to fall over his ocean eyes, so a lot of the time I was pushing it out of his face, he was the best person anyone would wish to have in their life, but then I uh...had to move away, and I haven't spoken to him in years" Magnus admitted, pulling his legs up to his chest for comfort.

"Do you think he still lives here?" Clary asked, imagining how amazing it would be for the two boys to reunite.

"I know he does, I'll likely run into him at school tomorrow and I lied to my parents saying he no longer lives here" Magnus scratched the back of his head, he knew neither of them knew what he was talking about, but they were clearly trying to keep up.

"I remember rumours that you moving away had something to do with that football captain...I can't remember his name though" Clary tried to work it out, knowing her friend wouldn't admit to anything.

"Wait Alec Lightwood? Oh shit" Simon's eyes went wide, he thinks he knows what's happening.

"Wait how do you know Alexander?"

How come does Magnus remember Alec so vividly after all these years, carry on reading to find out.

Re-edited: August 14, 2020

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