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Alec was on his 7th hour of his shift and had just under an hour left, it had been a pretty good first shift, him and Mike had quickly became friends, the same for Jackson. Paige and Leia have dialed it down a little, and given Alec a bit more space over the past few hours.

Alec had been been working on a this stupid car that was being extremely stubborn for the past 30 minutes, the engine just would not start. He crossed his fingers as he turned the key and the ignition turned on with a little struggle, but it worked.

"You finally got it working" Jackson said from his station which was replacing all bike parts.

"After what felt like forever" cause it truly felt kiek he'd spent hours on one car, just getting it to start up.

"And now you have the pleasure of cleaning up that engine" Jackson gave him that reminder to which Alec only groaned.

"Goe could I forget" he muttered under his breath looking down at his hands that were covered in oil, he cleaned off most of it on his shirt...a white one.

He began washing out all the grime and dirt when an all too familiar voice came from behind "I would have gotten you this job sooner if I knew you'd look this hot covered in oil"

"How kind of you" Paige took the boys compliment with a smile.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" Leia came over to give him a hug as she didn't see him yesterday.

"Hey dude" came out of Jackson and Mike's mouths while they both and Magnus did some weird and complicated handshake together.

Alec walked up to the group, leaving his station for the time being "So I just need to know-"

"Yes, I was talking about you Alexander" he had a smug look on his face after Magnus confirmed it.

"How sweet of you" Alec leaned in to give him a kiss.

"Wait, you're gay?" Paige asked Alec surprised

"100% gay" Magnus stated for the boy.

"You two have been making a fool of yourselves all morning" Jackson laughed along with Mike.

"They've been hitting on you" Magnus looked at Alec who only shrugged his shoulders, it's not like anything was going to come out of it. That's when Leia and Paige took it as their cue to leave with embarraed looks covering their faces.

"What are you doing here anyway, I told you I'd be back at 6" Alec dragged him towards the car he was working on to get some peace to talk.

"I wanted to see you in action" he pulled Alec in closer by his shirt, giving him a forceful kiss.

They were cut off by Lana exiting her office "Alec, have you finished the car you're working on, Mr.Thompson says he can pick it up tomorrow?"

"Yeah I'm done" Alec pulled away from Magnus before she saw the position they were in.

"Good, Magnus why the hell are you here?" She said covering the phone so Mr.Thompson's couldn't hear.

"I came to-"

"Don't answer that I know why" Lana cut him off, knowing the exact reason the boy was there.

"You didn't finish cleaning it, did you?" Jackson asked when he saw Alec rush towards the bonnet with a rag.

"No, no I did not" Alec said polishing the car.
"What do you think she wants?" Magnus asked as they entered Alec's house after his shift.

"I don't know, all she said was to meet at mine" Alec told him again, throwing his bag by the door.

"Because I want to tell you something" Lydia popped up scaring the crap out of the both of them.

"I think I just died and came back" said Magnus dramatically as he leaned back against the wall.

"Lydia, what did you wanna tell me?" Alec asked as he pulled Magnus away from the wall with a chuckle.

"Just...you remember how I scheduled an ultrasound today?" Lydia started off.

"Um...yeah of course I remember about the ultrasound" he said even though it was a complete lie "So what time is it?"

"2 hours ago" she stated "I tried calling but you weren't picking up, so I tried to book another date they said they were full, so I went anyways to make sure the baby is perfect and healthy"

"So how's my baby boy?" questioned the boy.

"Stop pretending like you already know what it is" Lydia said as she took out an envelope from her bag "They found out the gender" she said excitedly.

"Wait what!?" Alec was not expecting to find out this early.

"Do you uh...want me to leave?" Magnus asked not wanting to overstep on the special occasion.

"Are you kidding, I want you to be a part of this" she tugged on his hand to bring him closer.

She teared open the envelope to reveal pictures of the ultrasound, a few pictures actually.

"Wait, why does that say baby A and baby B?" Alec pointed at the letters.

"Omg" Lydia covered his mouth in shock, tears falling down her face.

"Okay...so you seem to understand what is happening, Alec and I however have no clue" that made Lydia laugh.

"Twins" Lydia pointed at the two sacks "A is a boy, and B is a girl"

"What?" Alec couldn't help but smile as he took hold of the ultrasound, taking a better look at his babies.

"That's amazing" Magnus gave Lydia a hug whilst Alec was distracted by the pictures.

Alec began crying when it finally set in that he was gonna have 2 little babies, Magnus pulled him in for a hug. He was going to have two kids to look after, he's gonna have to buy two of everything, two babies at the same time.

I hope you're all okay with the twins idea, you can't plan pregnancy. I just thought it would give a little kick to the story, not like the pregnancy wasn't enough now it's twins, yay!

Anyways hope you all liked it. Xx

Re-edited: August 23, 2020

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