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Annie pulled out the medicine, popped two pills in Jean's mouth, and had him drink water.

Jean almost chugged all the water. He took a breath of relief.

"What else is in there?" He asked, talking a bit better.

"Umm...medicine and medical equipment." Annie replied. Jean looked into the bag again.

"Let's hope this medicine works. Because I'm literally dying." Jean said. Annie noticed the sweat was coming back.

"Why don't you take off your shirt?" Jean looked at her shocked.


"It will help you become less hot. Trust me, you will be more relaxed." She explained. Jean hesitated before slipping off his shirt.

Annie was right about him feeling better. But he felt a little uncomfortable. He was half naked, and that wasn't bad, but he was in front of a girl. Doesn't matter how manly she was, but she was still a female.

"You don't have to stay shirtless. Just until you feel better, or until you stop sweating. Literally, you look like your the sun."

"Sorry." Jean said. Annie blinked, keeping her head down. Jean coughed, and layed down. "Imma, gonna take a nap."

He then dozed off to sleep.

Annie stayed awake still. Not daring to fall asleep. Not many people were left. They were so close to winning. Maybe her promise might as well be kept, and the Survey Corps might as well be freed.

Annie wondered how everything was back at home. She missed Eren's foolishness, Mikasa's threats, Armin's brain, Hanji's annoyance, Bertholdt's kindness, Reiner's sarcasm, Sasha being just so desperate for food, Connie being himself, Mike's sniffing nose, Erwin's eyebrows which Annie so shipped, Levi's quietness, and then there was Simon's clumsiness.

Annie remembered one day the song, Party in the U.S.A. started to play on the radio. Simon's jam.

Annie was really annoyed that day. Everyone sang the song, except for Levi and Annie.

Annie worn the, 'wanna kill someone' look, while Levi kept looking at Annie with the 'same' look.

They had so much fun back at home. Annie missed it a bit too much. She wanted to know if they were even watching them, trying to win the games. Or if they only watched for the show, like how Mikasa was probably doing.

Jean opened his eyes, and found Annie.

"Everything alright?" He asked, startling Annie.

"Yeah, everything's fine." She said. "I'm just wondering what's going on back at home."

"Simon's probably keeping everyone from being upset, by being clumsy or something." Jean guessed. "Or, Mikasa is probably watching, waiting for you to die Annie."

Annie looked at him.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." She said. Jean laughed.

"She's probably with a bag of popcorn, munching on it, just waiting for your death like, 'Come on bitch. Die already!'"

"She probably is. There is a 75% chance of her doing that right now, then just waiting for us to win." Annie said.

"Yeah." Jean agreed. He then laughed. "I remember when Simon was falling, and you caught him by his hoodie. Then you said, 'bye' and let go of him, as he rolled down and landed into the water. He was so mad."

"I'm surprised he forgave my ass."

"Right?" Jean laughed. "And that time when you followed the trail of spiders, and Simon said, and I quote, 'Follow the spiders. Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies?''"

Attack on Titan: The Titan GamesWhere stories live. Discover now