|Chapter Three|

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"Why him?"

"Mm... Fine."

"Kawaii~Chan, truth or dare?"

"Is it true that you like Reese?"

"I'm fine..."



"For reasons, that I'd rather not say."

"Okay... I won't do it. I'm sorry..."

"Can... Can we cuddle?"

"Thank you."


"Are you guys the only ones awake?"

"Well, I think I should head home..."

"Thanks. See you guys."

"I... I'm sorry..."

"Why... Why do you care so much? Why do you care about me? Nobody else really does, they don't bother to check my wrists and they don't hear my whimpering... So what about you? Why have you all of a sudden started worrying about me, hmm? Did somebody pay you? Is somebody paying you to care about me? Am I just a pawn? I should've known... I really am useless, aren't I?"

"I... I... T-Thank you... Travis... I... Am sorry, for how much I worried you, and... Nobody has ever said those things about me before. Normally they would just insult me, and it would hurt. They'd call me emo, freak, stupid, ugly, fat, disgusting..."

"B-Because... I'm gay. Some people found out and started spreading the news, so..."

"Yeah, well, sometimes you shouldn't always assume. There's this one guy I like though, but I don't know if he's straight or not... It bothers me, and I feel like I'm not good enough for him."

"Yeah... Yeah, you do. Pretty well actually."

"Aww, Travis. Don't be that way,"

"Look it's him right now."

"No, Albert Einstein. Of course you, dummy!"

Travis stared out at all the people standing on the pier, squinting when he saw ears and a tail.

He then saw the two. Ein was holding Zane close to his side, hand pressed tightly against his waist.

Travis was about to snap when he noticed Zane's eyes. They weren't their gorgeous pale blue, they were different. They were... pink.

Travis's own eyes widened as he stared at Zane. His blind eye mirrored the other, making it less unique than it usually did. He wasn't wearing his mask, but his freckles weren't visible.

He looked happy, but it seemed fake... Not like pretending, but as if it shouldn't of been real. Like it wasn't supposed to happen, or exist.

Travis turned away, pulling his phone out. He immediately texted Aphmau, alerting her about what was happening.

Ein had Zane under his control. Through a love potion.

You're My Demon ~ Zanvis FFWhere stories live. Discover now