|Chapter Twenty-Three|

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Zane stared up at the starry sky, whispering under his breath.

"A lover, not a wife,
A whisper, for a life,
But all I have, for you and me,
Is only a wish, just another dream."

He closed his eyes, exhaling slowly. A breeze blew his hair out of his eyes and he relaxed, feeling no reason to worry.

"Babe? What're you doing awake, it's freezing out here."

"Sorry..." Zane turned around, seeing Ein standing there. "Just wanted to do some late night thinking..."

"Come on, let's get you inside." Ein wrapped a blanket around Zane's shoulder, helping him up.

He led the boy inside, taking them to the bedroom.

"Is there anything you need to talk about? I'm always here." Ein assured.

"I guess I've just had a lot on my mind, baby..." Zane mumbled. "Nothing much to worry about though... I'm really tired..."

"Let's get some sleep."

Ein helped Zane into bed, snuggling up close behind the boy.

You're My Demon ~ Zanvis FFWhere stories live. Discover now